Ernst Ludwig Taschenberg

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Ernst Ludwig Taschenberg

Ernst Ludwig Taschenberg (born January 10, 1818 in Naumburg (Saale) , † January 19, 1898 in Halle ) was a German entomologist .


Taschenberg studied mathematics and natural sciences in Leipzig and Berlin since 1837 , then went to the Francke Foundations in Halle as an assistant teacher and devoted himself to entomology in organizing the important beetle collection of Professor Ernst Friedrich Germar and in dealing with the insect collection of the zoological museum .

He then acted as a teacher for two years in Seesen and five years in Zahna and in 1856 followed a call as inspector at the zoological museum in Halle, in 1871 he was appointed associate professor . Taschenberg's activity culminated in research into the practical significance of the insect world for agriculture , horticulture and silviculture .


He also worked on the insects for Brehms Tierleben (2nd ed. 1877) and supplied some blackboards for school use.

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Wikisource: Ernst Ludwig Taschenberg  - Sources and full texts