Ernst Moewes

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Ernst Moewes (born November 20, 1885 in Berlin ; † March 15, 1971 there ) was a German politician ( SPD ).

Ernst Moewes attended elementary school and did an apprenticeship as a mechanic , later he passed the examination as a foreman . He joined the German Metalworkers' Association (DMV) and in 1905 the SPD. After the First World War in 1918, Moewes was elected to the district council in Angermünde . In 1931 he became the full-time union secretary of the German Agricultural Workers' Association (DLV) in Angermünde. With the " seizure of power " by the National Socialists , Moewes was dismissed in 1933, but was able to work again as a technical employee from 1935 onwards. In 1941 he became an administrative clerk in the building department in Berlin-Mitte .

After the Second World War , Moewes was commissioned by the Soviet Military Administration in Germany (SMAD) to rebuild the SPD in the Mitte district. The pressure of the SMAD on the union of the SPD and KPD led to increasing difficulties, Moewes was also arrested several times by the NKVD , as he was a clear opponent of the union of the parties. In May 1946 he was a guest delegate of the Berlin district at the Reich Party Congress of the SPD in Hanover . In the first Berlin election in October 1946 he was elected to the city ​​council of Greater Berlin , until the end of 1950 he was a member of parliament. Later Moewes became a senior employee of the Berlin Senate , he was also responsible for the Marienfelde emergency reception center .
