Erwin Forst

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Erwin Forst (born April 9, 1908 in Berlin ; † February 6, 1994 there ) was a German politician ( SPD ).

Erwin Forst was the son of a carpenter and graduated from high school in 1928 . He then studied medicine at the Berlin University . In 1931 he joined the SPD. After the " seizure of power " by the National Socialists , Forst had to interrupt his studies in 1933 for political reasons. He was drafted into the army and became a military doctor . In 1941 he was able to take the state examination.

After the Second World War , Forst became a public health doctor in 1945 and ran a medical practice in Berlin-Hermsdorf . In the Berlin election in 1948 he was elected to the city ​​council of Greater Berlin for two years . In the 1954 election , Forst was re-elected to the Berlin House of Representatives, but as early as February 1955 he was elected to the district councilor for health care by the district council in the Wilmersdorf district. Also in 1955 he received a doctorate for Dr. med. Until 1971 he was a district councilor.
