Eugen Brammertz

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Karl Eugen Brammertz OSB (born April 3, 1915 , † March 5, 1987 in the University of the Pontifical Athenaeum Sant'Anselmo ) was a German Benedictine priest and journalist who worked as a spy for the KGB and was an unofficial employee of the GDR State Security.


After his release from Soviet captivity, Eugen K. Brammertz received his doctorate in 1954 from the University of Munich with a thesis on Egyptian monasticism as a sociological phenomenon. Schenute from Atripe . Brammertz belonged to the St. Matthias Abbey in Trier. He taught as a religion teacher at two grammar schools in Trier and was editor of the political, Catholic bi-monthly magazine Ende und Anfang von Franz Josef Bautz . In 1974 he was appointed to the Roman Curia, where he wrote for the German-language edition of the Osservatore Romano and worked as a consultant and translator for the Catholic News Agency .

After his death Clues were accumulating, he had under the code name IM "bright spot" education for the Ministry of State Security of the GDR operated. He worked as a spy for the KGB and recruited staff at the Vatican. In September 1996 the Gauck authorities published a 260-page investigation report.



  • Alfred Scherer: In memoriam Father Dr. Eugen Brammertz , In: Staatliches Friedrich-Wilhelm-Gymnasium Trier: Annual Report 1986/87 (1988), pp. 30–32.
  • Michael F. Feldkamp : Stasi: Spy in the Vatican. Who was Eugen Brammertz? In: Rheinischer Merkur of October 23, 1998, p. 27.
  • Michael F. Feldkamp : A Benedictine in the service of the state security of the GDR and the Vatican: Eugen Brammertz (1915-1987) , in: Ders .: Reichskirche and political Catholicism. Essays on church history and church legal history of the modern age (= Propylaea of ​​the Christian Occident, Volume 3), Patrimonium-Verlag, Aachen 2019, pp. 175-181 ISBN 978-3-86417-120-8 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Reference in the Rhineland-Palatinate Bibliography
  2. The Papal Files Retrieved on April 29, 2012
  4. Focus Magazin No. 40 (1996): VATIKAN Monsignore 007 Accessed on April 29, 2012