Eugeniusz Szyr

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Eugeniusz Szyr (1964)

Eugeniusz Szyr (born April 16, 1915 in Łodygowice , † January 15, 2000 in Warsaw ) was a politician of the Polish United Workers' Party PZPR ( Polska Zjednoczona Partia Robotnicza ) in the People's Republic of Poland , who was minister several times and vice-president of the Council of Ministers between 1959 and 1972 .


Eugeniusz Szyr, who was of Jewish descent, joined the Communist Party of Poland KPP (Komunistyczna Partia Polski) in 1934 and took part in the Spanish Civil War between 1937 and 1939 as a member of the International Brigades . He was then imprisoned in France and Algeria from 1940 to 1943 . In 1943 he managed to get to the Soviet Union and join the 1st Polish Army in the. With the rank of major he was there between 1944 and 1945, among other things, deputy head of the reconnaissance department in the Polish partisan staff and most recently an employee of the political department of the army. In 1944 he joined as a member of the Polish Workers' Party PPR ( Polska Partia Robotnicza ) .

After his return to Poland, Szyr was State Secretary in the Ministry of Industry from 1946 to 1947 and then State Secretary in the Ministry of Industry and Trade between 1947 and 1949. He joined the Polish United Workers' Party PZPR ( Polska Zjednoczona Partia Robotnicza ) in 1948 . He became a member of the Central Committee of the Polish United Workers' Party (ZK of the PZPR) at the I (founding) party congress (December 15-22, 1948 ) and belonged to this body until the IX. (Extraordinary) party congress (July 14-20, 1981). From 1949 to 1953 he was deputy chairman of the State Commission for Economic Planning with the rank of minister in the first government of Prime Minister Józef Cyrankiewicz . On November 20, 1952, he became a member of the Sejm for the first time and was a member of the Sejm as a representative of constituency No. 54, Gliwice , until November 20, 1956. In the second Cyrankiewicz government, he acted from March 13, 1954 to July 11, 1956 as Chairman of the State Commission for Economic Planning (Przewodniczący Państwowej Komisji Planowania Gospodarczego) and then from July 11, 1956 to November 13, 1956 as Minister of Construction (Minister budownictwa) .

From October 27, 1959 to March 29, 1972, Eugeniusz Szyr was Deputy Prime Minister (Wicepremier) as Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers in the subsequent governments of Józef Cyrankiewicz and Piotr Jaroszewicz . On January 15, 1961, he was again a member of the Sejm, to which he now belonged as a representative of constituency No. 12 Bydgoszcz until April 29, 1969. In the third and fourth legislative periods between 1961 and 1969 he was a member of the Presidium of the PZPR parliamentary group . In 1962 he was also chairman of the Polish-African Friendship Society and in 1965 chairman of the Polish Solidarity Committee with the nations of Asia, Africa and Latin America. From October 29, 1963 to December 22, 1968, he also served as chairman of the Science and Technology Committee. At the 4th Party Congress (June 15-20, 1964) he was also elected a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the PZPR and was a member of this until the following 5th Party Congress (November 11-16, 1968).

Szyr was again a member of the Sejm on March 28, 1972 and represented in this until February 10, 1972 the constituency No. 6 Łódź-Śródmieście . At the same time he was again a member of the presidium of the PZPR parliamentary group in the sixth electoral term between 1972 and 1976. From 1972 to 1976 he was Chairman of the State Council for Materials Management and from 1972 to 1990 he also served as Vice-President of the General Council of the Association of Fighters for Freedom and Democracy ZBoWiD (Związek Bojowników o Wolność i Demokrację) . He then held the post of Minister for Materials Management (Minister gospodarki materiałowej) in the governments of Piotr Jaroszewicz, Edward Babiuch , Józef Pińkowski and Wojciech Jaruzelski from March 27, 1976 to October 31, 1981 . In the 1980s he was chairman of the Jarosław Dąbrowski National Commission on the main board of the ZBoWiD.

Eugeniusz Szyr's grave in the Powązki Cemetery in Warsaw .

Eugeniusz Szyr has received several awards for his services and received, among others, the Order of the Builder of People's Poland (Order Budowniczych Polski Ludowej) , twice the Order of the Banner of Labor (Order Sztandaru Pracy) first class, the Order of Polonia Restituta (Order Odrodzenia Polski) as an officer , Commander and Commander with a star , the Order of the Cross of Grunwald (Order Krzyża Grunwaldu) third and second class, the Silver Cross of the Order Virtuti Militari , the Cross of Merit of the People's Republic of Poland in gold, the medal “For your and our freedom” (Medal “Za waszą wolność i naszą ”) , the Medal of Victory and Freedom 1945 (Medal Zwycięstwa i Wolności 1945) , the medal for the 10th anniversary of People's Poland (Medal 10-lecia Polski Ludowej) and the Jan Krasicki Gold Award (Odznaczenie im . Janka Krasickiego) .

After his death he was buried in the Powązki cemetery in Warsaw .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Poland: Key Ministries in Rulers
  2. Eastern bloc internally . In: Spiegel Online from August 24, 1970
  3. OSTBLOCK / REFORMEN: Mild tones . In: Spiegel Online from September 21, 1970