Bangs – Matschels European Protected Area

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Iris flower

The Bangs – Matschels European protected area ( Natura 2000 areas ) is located in the Feldkirch municipality in Vorarlberg , Austria . It includes forest , single trees and small groups of trees as well as an extensive raised bog and littered meadows .

The purpose of the Bangs – Matschels European Protected Area is to protect the endangered wild native plant and animal species and their natural habitats, as well as to preserve the centuries-old cultivated land.

Legal basis

The European protected area Bangs-Matschels was designated as such with a simple state law in accordance with the Vorarlberg Nature Conservation Ordinance. The flora-fauna-habitat directive 92/43 / EEC (FFH directive) and the bird protection directive of the European Union form the basis for protection . The Bangs – Matschels has had protection status as a landscape protection area since 1974.


The European protected area Bangs – Matschels is located northwest of the Swiss and Liechtenstein borders (triangle) on the municipal area of ​​Feldkirch and is roughly in the shape of a misshapen triangle . The entire area consists of the Banges Ried and the area of ​​the desert of Matschels. It has only a slight gradient and is about 430  m above sea level. A. and has an area of ​​approximately 447 hectares.

On the northeast side, the European protected area is bounded by the denatured and straightened Ill . On the northwest and western side of the Alpine Rhine . In the south-west of the Bangser Ried is bordered by the Liechtenstein nature reserve Ruggeller Riet (90.86 ha), which has been specially protected since 1978 (see also: Flora and Fauna in Ruggell . The Ruggeller Riet is the largest of the eleven nature reserves in Liechtenstein). Only separated by a drainage ditch. Since an expansion in 1982, the protected area in Liechtenstein has been 93.4 hectares.

Purpose and scope of protection

In terms of the Flora-Fauna-Habitat Directive (Annexes I and II of the Habitats Directive) and bird protection, the following features are relevant and protected for this protected area:

The following were decisive for the declaration of the bird sanctuary:

Other plants: z. B. Swamp iris , swamp gladiolus , scented leek . Studies have shown that over 1100 species of butterflies have been found in this environment (e.g. also: scabiosa piebald ). The forest areas located here form the largest closed forest area on the valley floor of the lower Alpine Rhine Valley . Approx. 80 hectares (around 18%) of the protected landscape of the flat moors consists of wet meadows ( litter meadow ) that are mowed only once a year.

Use and traffic

The European protected area is used as a local recreation area and for litter extraction. The Ruggell-Bangs-Matschels area is well visited during the iris bloom in May. Two to three million irises (Ilgen) should bloom every year. The adjacent Ruggeller Riet, which is botanically integrated, was visited on May 3, 1980 by Elisabeth II and her husband Philip , accompanied by the princely couple Franz Josef II and Georgina von Wilczek .

The European protected area is crossed by the state road L 53 ( Bangser Straße , also Rheinstraße ) (to the customs office Bangs / Rüthi ).


  • Bangs – Matschels European Protected Area , Office of the Vorarlberg State Government, Bregenz.
  • E. Aistleitner: Landscape change in Bangs and Matschels. Thoughts - facts - voices - pictures. Research and discovery 2 , Feldkirch 1996, nature monograph Bangser Ried and Matschels .
  • Mario Broggi: Overall appreciation of the prevailing natural values ​​in the nature reserves Bangser Ried and Matschels and nature conservation demands for the future. Research & Discover 2 , Feldkirch 1996, nature monograph Bangser Ried and Matschels .
  • E. Gächter: Investigations on the grasshopper fauna (Saltatoria) of the litter meadows of Bangs-Matschels and of "dry locations" at Illspitz (Vorarlberg) , Feldkirch 1996, research and discovery 2 (nature monograph Bangser Ried and Matschels) .
  • M. Grabher: Vegetation of the nature reserves Bangser Ried and Matschels (Vorarlberg) , Feldkirch 1996, research and discovery 2 ( nature monograph Bangser Ried and Matschels) .
  • P. Huemer: Butterflies (Lepidoptera) in the area of ​​the nature reserves Bangser Ried and Matschels (Vorarlberg): Diversity - Ecology - Endangerment , Feldkirch 1996, Research and Discovery 2 (nature monograph Bangser Ried and Matschels) .
  • S. Lutz, P. Singer: Matschels nature reserve. Studies of soil structure and nutrient supply in Unterried , Bregenz 1996, series Habitat Vorarlberg Vol. 32, Office of the Vorarlberg State Government.

Web links

Commons : Bangs – Matschels  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. LGBl. No. 36/2003, Annex 1, Bird Protection Areas, No. 1 and FFH protected areas, no. 1.
  2. ^ Ordinance of the Vorarlberg state government on the "Matschels" nature reserve in Feldkirch, LGBl. 53/1974.
  3. See graphic representation of the Office of the State Government of April 17, 2007, Zl. IVe-131.05 and of May 2, 2003, Zl IVe-106.00.
  4. ^ Ruggeller Riet nature reserve , website of the Ruggell municipality.
  5. Liechtenstein Ordinance of October 17, 1978 for the Protection of the "Ruggeller Rietes" , LGBl. 32/1978.
  6. Bangs-Matschels Natura 2000 area in the tri-border region between Austria, Liechtenstein and Switzerland .
  7. Ruggeller Riet .
  8. a b Mario Broggi: How the Ruggeller Riet Nature Reserve came about , p. 5 f.
  9. List according to Vorarlberg Nature Conservation Ordinance, LGBl. No. 36/2003, Annex 1, No. 1 for bird sanctuaries and FFH areas.
  10. Markus Grabher: Bangser Ried and Matschels nature protection between Ill and Rhine , UMG report 9.

Coordinates: 47 ° 16 ′ 40.2 ″  N , 9 ° 33 ′ 25.1 ″  E