Eustachy Sapieha

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Eustachy Sapieha

Prince Eustachy Kajetan Sapieha (born August 2, 1881 in Biłka Szlachecka near Lemberg , † February 20, 1963 in Nairobi ) came from an old Polish aristocratic family , was a conservative politician, Polish foreign minister and member of the Sejm .

life and work

Eustachy Sapieha studied forestry in Zurich between 1900 and 1904 . During the First World War he worked closely with Józef Piłsudski . In November 1917 he went to Switzerland as an envoy of the Regency Council , where he unsuccessfully tried to get closer to the Narodowy Polski , the Polish National Committee. As a co-initiator of a failed coup attempt on 4th / 5th January 1919, which was supposed to overthrow the Jędrzej-Moraczewski government, Sapieha was placed under house arrest. After his release he took part in the Polish-Soviet war as a simple cavalryman .

On June 23, 1920 he became foreign minister in the Władysław Grabski government and then in the Wincenty Witos government. On May 20, 1921 he resigned from this position under pressure from Narodowa Demokracja (National Democracy).

1928–1929 he was a member of the Sejm at the BBWR .

On September 22, 1939, after the Soviet invasion of Poland, he was arrested at his estate near Grodno and taken to Moscow , where he was imprisoned in the Lubyanka and sentenced to death for anti-Soviet attitudes. The death penalty was subsequently commuted to 10 years in gulag imprisonment. In 1941 he was released under the Sikorsky-Majski Agreement and left the USSR. In 1941 he settled in Nairobi, where he died in 1963.


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