Beienheim Evangelical Church

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The Evangelical Church in Beienheim is a church building in the Reichelsheim district of Beienheim . The church, newly built in 1778, is a “simple, flat-decked hall with high arched windows.” The rectangular hall faces the church tower .


An older church building already existed around 1300. This church is mentioned in the 14th and 15th centuries as a branch of the Evangelical Church in Melbach . In 1484, an independent parish was named Beienheim for the first time . The church patronage was still held by the Petersberg monastery near Fulda in 1489 . During the Reformation , patronage passed to the Wais von Fauerbach , and later to their heirs, the Rau von Holzhausen . In 1607 the choir was rebuilt.

After the Thirty Years War , Beienheim was again a branch church . The mother churches were Ossenheim , Melbach and Fauerbach, today a district of Friedberg . In 1684 Adolf Rau von Holzhausen had the church raised again to an independent church and appointed its own pastor. Since the old church was massively damaged in the Thirty Years' War and also had considerable defects in other ways, Pastor Christian Egidius Eigenbrodt began to push ahead with the construction of a new church. He also designed the new church.

The medieval tower substructure of the old church has been preserved. There is a pointed arch window in the south side of the lower part of the tower.

In 1777 the walls around the church square were torn down to obtain building material. The foundation stone for the new church was laid in the autumn of this year . The foundation walls of the new church were drawn around the existing building in 1778 and this was then torn down when the new walls reached a certain height. The inauguration was celebrated in mid-October of the same year. The cost of the building was 2,700 guilders . The new church has five window axes on the two long sides in the south and north.

A round window with the coat of arms of the Rau von Holzhausen dates from 1576. The inscription reads: “Jost. Ruh v. Holzhausen and Margretta von Cronberg. 1576. "


There is an L-shaped gallery inside the church . Under the gallery on the north side there is an oil painting with a depiction of the Last Supper, which is said to date from the 17th century. Adamy described it as "noteworthy, albeit moderate, work."

The pulpit was probably created when the new church was built. A bronze plaque placed under the pulpit states March 19, 1778 as the day the foundation stone was laid.

The flat ceiling of the church interior has a cove .

The two-manual organ with eleven registers was installed in 1963 by the organ builder Rohlfing .


  • Rudolf Adamy: Art monuments in the Grand Duchy of Hesse. Province of Upper Hesse. Friedberg district. Arnold Bergstraesser, Darmstadt 1895, pp. 8-10.
  • Franz Bösken , Hermann Fischer : Sources and research on the organ history of the Middle Rhine. Vol. 3: Former province of Upper Hesse (= contributions to the music history of the Middle Rhine. 29.2. Part 2 (M – Z)). Schott, Mainz 1988, ISBN 3-7957-1331-5 , pp. 103-105.
  • State Office for the Preservation of Monuments Hesse (ed.); Heinz Wionski (edit.): Cultural monuments in Hessen. Wetteraukreis II. Teilbd. 2. Altkreis Friedberg, Friedberg - Wöllstadt. (= Monument topography Federal Republic of Germany ). Theiss, Stuttgart 1999, ISBN 3-528-06227-4 , p. 919.
  • Wilhelm Diehl : Construction book for the Protestant parishes of the sovereign lands and the acquired areas of Darmstadt. (= Hassia sacra ; 8). Self-published, Darmstadt 1935, p. 641.
  • Wilhelm Diehl: Pastor and schoolmaster book for the Hessian-Darmstadt sovereign lands. (= Hassia sacra ; 4). Self-published, Darmstadt 1930.
  • Sandra Fritsch: A little history of our church. 700 years of the church in Beienheim. 50 years of consecration of bells. Beienheim 2006.
  • Gerhard Kleinfeldt, Hans Weirich: The medieval church organization in the Upper Hesse-Nassau area. (= Writings of the institute for historical regional studies of Hesse and Nassau 16 ). NG Elwert, Marburg 1937, ND 1984.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rudolf Adamy: Art monuments in the Grand Duchy of Hesse. 1895, p. 8.
  2. ^ Eugen Rieß, Church history of Melbach in the Wetterau. Ed .: Evangelical Church Community Melbach. Friedberg 2016, p. 16 f.
  3. ^ Gerhard Kleinfeldt, Hans Weirich: The medieval church organization. P. 25.
  4. Monument topography of the Federal Republic of Germany. Cultural monuments in Hessen. Wetteraukreis II. Vol. 2, 1999, p. 919.
  5. Sandra Fritsch: A little history of our church. 2006, p. 11 f.
  6. Monument topography Wetteraukreis II. 1999, vol. 2, p. 919.
  7. ^ Rudolf Adamy: Art monuments in the Grand Duchy of Hesse. 1895, p. 10.
  8. ^ Wilhelm Diehl : building book for the Protestant parishes. 1935, p. 641.
  9. ^ Franz Bösken, Hermann Fischer: Sources and research on organ history. Vol. 3/2, 1988, p. 105.

Coordinates: 50 ° 21 ′ 47 "  N , 8 ° 49 ′ 14"  E