Evangelical Church in Klingenberg

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Evangelical Church in Heilbronn-Klingenberg

The Evangelical Church in the Heilbronn district of Klingenberg was essentially given its present form in 1736 under the Count of Neipperg , although the choir and sacristy with ribbed vaults are significantly older.


From the early 15th century, Klingenberg was owned by the Lords of Neipperg , who also had their headquarters at Klingenberg Castle for a time. The church in Klingenberg goes back to the building activities of the Neipperger at different epochs. The oldest part of the church is the sacristy with Gothic windows and ribbed vaults. According to an inscription, the sacristy was donated as a chapel in 1508 by Wilhelm von Neipperg and his wife Anna von Schwarzenberg. The choir of the church was built in the late Gothic period. There are no documents about the construction of the nave, according to two building inscriptions it was renovated and rebuilt in 1736.

It can be assumed that the Klingenberg church was originally consecrated to St. Catherine, analogous to the church in the village of Neipperg , the ancestral seat of the family, where the Neippergians also held the right of patronage . The feudal lord of the parish of Meimsheim , Count Eberhard im Bart , had also granted the Neippergern the "right of presentation" for St. Catherine in 1476.

Since the Reformation , the Klingenberg Church, together with the other Neippergian parishes such as Neipperg , Massenbach and Adelshofen, was a branch church of the Oberpfarrei Schwaigern .



The nave of the nave is spanned by a wooden barrel vault. On the northern side wall is a painting depicting a scene from Isaiah 7 from 1747. The coat of arms of the Counts of Neipperg is attached to the south wall. There was once a separate entrance for the count's family, which was later walled up and can only be identified by means of a stone reveal. A gallery has been drawn in on the western gable side , on which there is a single-manual organ by Johann Viktor Gruol from 1853. On the outside of the nave there are two inscriptions, each dated 1736, which indicate that the church was renovated by Heinrich Bechmann .


The rectangular, east-facing choir dates from the late Gothic period and is spanned by a flat wooden ceiling. The windows of the choir have a straight lintel. The colored glass window on the east wall of the choir was designed by Adolf Saile in 1959 . In the choir, next to the altar with an altar crucifix, there are three historical epitaphs of the von Neipperg family from the 16th and 17th centuries. The choir arch towards the nave is decorated with painted flower tendrils.


The sacristy is dated 1508 on the bar-framed gate to the choir and 1593 on the entrance door. It has a ribbed vault , the keystone of which shows the coat of arms of the von Neipperg family.

Church bells

The church has a baroque bell with the strike note dis 2 as well as the depiction of the birth of Christ and the inscription:
Soli deo Gloria
Me fecit Samuel Mezger Heilbronnensis 1768

A second bell was cast in 1972 by the A. Bachert bell foundry, Heilbronn. This bell has the strike note f 2 .
It bears the inscription "I am the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end."

Another bell that is no longer available today is said to have had the following inscription:
Klingenberg's special luck
Bring me into dis fate

References and comments

  1. Oberamtsbeschreibung Brackenheim, p. 352: "The legal relationships of the fiefdoms" of the village of Neipperg "were the same as those of the Klingenbergers"
  2. Oberamtsbeschreibung Brackenheim, p. 417


  • Regina Reuter-Aller, Klaus Aller: The Evangelical Church in Klingenberg. In: Matthias Driver (ed.): The Protestant churches in the Heilbronn church district. Evangelical Church District Heilbronn, Heilbronn 2005, pp. 42–43

Web links

Commons : Evangelical Church (Heilbronn-Klingenberg)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 49 ° 7 '7.6 "  N , 9 ° 9" 35.4 "  E