Fátima Rodríguez

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The author in 2006 in Toulouse (photo María Fariña)

Fátima Rodríguez (born May 15, 1961 in Pontedeume , Galicia ) is a Galician writer , translator into Galician and Spanish and lecturer at the University of Western Brittany in Brest .


Fátima Rodríguez studied Romance Studies at the University of Santiago de Compostela . She obtained her doctorate in comparative literature in France. Between 1983 and 2008 she lived in Toulouse. Between 1991 and 1993 she did a master's degree in translation studies at the University of Barcelona . With trips to Romania and Italy , she completed her training in Romance studies and deepened her knowledge of contemporary literatures.

During her stay in Toulouse, she worked with the Casa de Galicia cultural institute to promote knowledge of Galician culture. As a Romance scholar, she works with writers from the Caribbean . She regularly publishes articles on languages ​​and literatures of the Spanish-speaking and Latin American world. She has lived in Brest since 2008 and works at the University of West Brittany.

Fátima Rodríguez writes her scientific publications in French, Spanish and Galician. She is a member of the Réseau Français d'Études Galiciennes and the Asociación Caribeña de Estudios del Caribe.

Literary work

Their origins, Galician culture and language are central themes in Fátima Rodríguez's poetry. Sometimes the references are of a political nature, such as in the poem “Nos outros” (“With the others”), the one in the anthology EXIL - témoignages sur la Guerre d'Espagne, les camps et la résistance au franquisme about the Spanish civil war and the Resistance against Franco is printed. Often their references thematize pain, which "becomes aesthetics in poetry". The Cuban essayist Minerva Salado emphasizes that it is not easy to transform pain into aesthetics, especially when “a possible aesthetic emerges from a pain that also defines the identity of a people”.

The author is, so to speak, a traveler. Born in Galicia, student in Santiago de Compostela , Barcelona and Toulouse , lecturer first in Toulouse, then in Brest, she lives the life of a traveler, a “viaxeira” in Galician, a word that, according to Minerva Salado, “means a person who not coming back ”and the“ uncertainty about the future ”. Fátima Rodríguez wrote at one point: “A viaxeira non ha de parar nunca” (“The traveler must never stop”), which refers to the Galician migrant women.

In this sense, a volume of poetry by Fátima Rodríguez is “a home where language, body and landscape merge”. The body and its vocabulary are another topic of the author, for example when she writes: “unha racha nítida encegadora / no medio da paisaxe / tan conforme tan conforme que non estoura nada” (“a clear cut, blinding / in the heart of the Landscape / so expected that nothing makes leaps ") or" Retorna, lingua, á terra das neneces / ó teu eido matriz, onde soñaran / úteros acollentes / suspendidos / na cúpula da morte en desmemoria / sedimentos de olvidos no sobrado . ”(“ Come, language, back to the realms of childhood / to the maternal field, where those ready to conceive / dreaming uteri / they hang / in the dome of memoryless death / sediments of oblivion in the barn. ”) María Rosa Lojo notices that a "Woman's body seeks the umbilical cord loosened from the mother's body", which corresponds to "the language and the ground". She speaks of the "abandonment of the nomads ", which, however, can never be completely separated from the language of the body.


Literary publications

  • Amencida dos corpos / Amanecida de los cuerpos , poetry (Galician; Spanish translation by Jorge Ledo), Praxis Verlag, Mexico , 2005, ISBN 968-7646-33-0
  • Limite de propriedad , poetry (Spanish translation by Gloria Vergara), Torremozas Verlag, Madrid, 2006, ISBN 978-84-7839-368-8
  • Oblivionalia , poetry (Galician; French translation by Vincent Ozanam), Les Hauts-Fonds, Brest, 2010, ISBN 978-2-9532332-7-8

Scientific publications (selection)

  • Fátima Rodríguez: "Les je (ux) de l'énonciation dans l ' Erotica de XL Méndez Ferrín" , in: L'espace du corps 1. Literature. Seminaria, 1, Rilma 2-ADEHL, Mexico-Limoges, 2007, pp. 61-70
  • Fátima Rodríguez: “Otras proyecciones de la materia textual. La Pasión de los nómades de María Rosa Lojo. Historias heterógrafas. " In: Le text et ses liens II, Paris-Sorbonne, 2005–2006, ISSN  1954-3239 online text (March 18, 2011; PDF; 159 kB)
  • Fátima Rodríguez and Laura Eurenia Tudoras: “Las fronteras ascendentes de Paul Morand: Flèche d'Orient y Bucarest In: Revista de Filología Románica, No. 20, Madrid, 2003, ISSN  0212-999X , pp. 179-190 online text (March 18, 2011)
  • Fátima Rodríguez and Laura Eurenia Tudoras: "Viajes azarosos: la aventura de la insularidad en la narrativa puertorriqueña: Vecindarios excéntricos de Rosario Ferré" In: Revista de Filología Románica, No. 22, Madrid, 2005, ISSN  0212-999X , p -200


  • Vicente Araguas: Non pechar os ollos ao evidente (“Do not close your eyes to the obvious”), in: Diario de Ferrol, Ferrol (Galicia), June 13, 2010, p. 30
  • Xosé María Dobarro: Profesora e poeta (“Professor and Poet”), in: Diario de Ferrol, Ferrol (Galicia), 23 May 2010, p. 20
  • María Rosa Lojo: Musique dans le vide (“Music in the Void”), foreword to Oblivionalia , Brest 2010
  • Minerva Salado: La lengua migrante de Fátima Rodríguez ("Fátima Rodríguez 'language of migration"), in: Archipiélago. Revista cultural de nuestra América, No. 56, Mexico City 2007, pp. 33-35

Individual evidence

  1. Progreso Marin, EXIL - témoignages sur la Guerre d'Espagne, les camps et la résistance au franquisme ("EXIL - Witnesses of the Spanish Civil War, the camps and the resistance during Franquism"), book , Éditions Loubatières, Portet-sur- Garonne, 2005, ISBN 978-2-86266-623-5 , p. 5.
  2. ^ Minerva Salado, La lengua migrante de Fátima Rodríguez ("Fátima Rodríguez 'language of migration"), in: Archipiélago. Revista cultural de nuestra America, No. 56, Mexico, 2007, pp. 33-35
  3. Salado, p. 33: "(...) cuando la belleza posible proviene del dolor como factor de identidad de un pueblo."
  4. Salado, p. 33: "En Galicia, hablamos de alguien que se va sin retorno (...)"
  5. Salado, p. 33: "(...) la incertidumbre ante el futuro (...)"
  6. Quoted from Minerva Salado, p. 33
  7. Salado, p. 33: "(...) las mujeres migrantes de su pueblo."
  8. María Rosa Lojo: Musique dans le vide ("Music in the void"), foreword to Oblivionalia , p. 4.
  9. See Oblivionalia , p. 45.
  10. Oblivionalia , p. 15.
  11. María Rosa Lojo: "Musique dans le vide", foreword to Oblivionalia , p. 5.
  12. Ibid.

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