Felix Paul

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Félix Paul (born August 2, 1935 in Port Victoria , Seychelles , † November 21, 2001 ) was the Roman Catholic Bishop of Port Victoria .


Félix Paul was ordained a priest on December 21, 1960 .

Pope Paul VI appointed him on March 17, 1975 Bishop of Port Victoria, Seychelles . The Bishop of Port Louis , Jean Margéot , ordained him episcopal on July 25th of the same year ; Co - consecrators were Georges-Henri Guibert CSSp , Former Bishop of Saint-Denis-de-La Réunion , and François Xavier Rajaonarivo , Bishop of Miarinarivo .

He resigned from his office on May 30, 1994.

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predecessor Office successor
Marcel Olivier Maradan OFMCap Bishop of Port Victoria
Xavier-Marie Baronnet SJ