Fine-leaved chickweed

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Fine-leaved chickweed
Fine-leaved chickweed (Minuartia hybrida)

Fine-leaved chickweed ( Minuartia hybrida )

Nuclear eudicotyledons
Order : Clove-like (Caryophyllales)
Family : Carnation family (Caryophyllaceae)
Subfamily : Alsinoideae
Genre : Mieren ( Minuartia )
Type : Fine-leaved chickweed
Scientific name
Minuartia hybrida
( Vill. ) Shishk.

The Fine leaved chickweed ( Minuartia hybrida ), also Delicate Minimize or narrow-Minimize called, is a plant from the genus of Mieren within the family of Caryophyllaceae (Caryophyllaceae).


The fine-leaved chickweed grows as an annual herbaceous plant and reaches heights of between 3 and 20 centimeters. The stem is straight from the ground up and loosely branched. The opposite, rather stiff and slightly protruding leaves are sub-linear with a length of up to 12 millimeters.

The flowering period extends from May to July. The forked - trugdoldige , branched inflorescence is loosely structured. With a length of 5 to 20 millimeters, the flower stalks are twice to five times as long as the calyx. The hermaphroditic flowers are radial symmetry and five-fold with a double flower envelope . The five green, bald or short-haired sepals are 3 to 5 millimeters long, linear or lanceolate and have a pointed tip. The five white petals are about half as long as the calyx and oblong-egg-shaped.

The capsule fruit is equal to one and a half times as long as the calyx. The seeds are red-brown.

The number of chromosomes is 2n = 46 or 70.


The sub-Mediterranean distribution area of ​​the fine-leaved miere ranges from Europe and North Africa to West Asia . Its main area of ​​distribution is in the northern Mediterranean downy oak forest area. Locations are given for: United Kingdom , Belgium , Netherlands , Germany , Switzerland , France including Corsica, Portugal , Spain including the Balearic Islands, Italy including Sardinia as well as Sicily, former Czechoslovakia , Bulgaria , former Yugoslavia , Romania , Albania , Greece including Crete, Cyprus , Algeria , Egypt , Libya , Morocco , Tunisia , Israel , Jordan , Lebanon , Syria , Turkey , Iran , Iraq , Armenia , Afghanistan , Pakistan , Azerbaijan , Dagestan , Stavropol , Tajikistan , Eastern Uzbekistan , Volgograd and Ukraine including Crimea. In Germany this species is mostly rare; it is missing, for example, in the northern German lowlands.

In Central Europe, the fine-leaved chickweed thrives on open, dry, warm and calcareous loam or sandy soils in gappy dry grass , also on walls, on train stations and on fields. There it is an association characteristic of the Alysso-Sedion albi association among the rock grass societies. It occurs particularly in the lower and warmer areas and in the Alps, for example, only rises to altitudes of 1650 meters.

Systematics and taxonomy

Minuartia hybrida var. Vaillantiana

The first publication of this species was in 1778 by Dominique Villars under the Basionym Arenaria hybrida . It was placed in the genus Minuartia in 1936 by Boris Konstantinowitsch Schischkin . Other synonyms for Minuartia hybrida (Vill.) Schischk. are: Minuartia tenuifolia (L.) Hiern , Minuartia tenuifolia subsp. hybrida Mattf. , Sabulina hybrida Fourr.

One can distinguish the following subspecies:

  • Minuartia hybrida (Vill.) Shishk. subsp. hybrida
  • Minuartia hybrida subsp. turcica McNeill
  • Minuartia hybrida subsp. vaillantiana (DC.) Friedrich : It occurs in Spain, Germany and Turkey.


  • Geoffrey Halliday: Minuartia L. In: TG Tutin, NA Burges, AO Chater, JR Edmondson, VH Heywood, DM Moore, DH Valentine, SM Walters, DA Webb (Eds.): Flora Europaea . 2nd, revised edition. Volume 1: Psilotaceae to Platanaceae . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge / New York / Melbourne 1993, ISBN 0-521-41007-X , pp. 154 (English, limited preview in Google Book Search).
  • Hans-Christian Friedrich: Minuartia hybrida . In: Karl Heinz Rechinger (Hrsg.): Illustrated flora of Central Europe. Pteridophyta, Spermatophyta . Founded by Gustav Hegi. 2nd, completely revised edition. Volume III. Part 2: Angiospermae: Dicotyledones 1 (Phytolaccaceae - Portulacaceae) . Paul Parey, Berlin / Hamburg 1979, ISBN 3-489-60020-7 , pp. 795–796 (published in deliveries 1959–1979).

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Profile and distribution map for Bavaria . In: Botanical Information Hub of Bavaria .
  2. Minuartia hybrida at In: IPCN Chromosome Reports . Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis
  3. ^ A b Minuartia hybrida in the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), USDA , ARS , National Genetic Resources Program. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland.
  4. ^ Dominique Villars: Prospectus de l'Histoire des Plantes de Dauphiné. Imprimérie royale, Grenoble 1778, p. 48 (online) .
  5. Boris Konstantinowitsch Schischkin: Minuartia. In: Vladimir Leontyevich Komarov, BK Shishkin (ed.): Flora of the USSR Volume VI: Centrospermae. Israel Program for Scientific Translations / Smithsonian Institution and the National Science Foundation, Jerusalem / Washington, DC 1970, p. 375 (English, translated by N. Landau) Digitizedhttp: //vorlage_digitalisat.test/ 3D ~ double-sided% 3D ~ LT% 3D ~ PUR% 3D . Russian original, here nomenclature relevant: Botanicheskii institut, Izdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR, Moscow / Leningrad 1936, p. 488 ( DJVU file ).
  6. Minuartia hybrida at Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, accessed November 12, 2011.
  7. a b Karol Marhold, 2011: Caryophyllaceae : Datasheet Minuartia hybrida In: Euro + Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.

Web links

Commons : Feinblättrige Miere ( Minuartia hybrida )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files