Ferdinand Demetz

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St. Joseph with the baby Jesus in the parish church of St. Ulrich
Station of the suffering of Christ cast in stone in the parish church of Ortisei
Stations of the suffering of Christ cast in stone in the parish church of Ortisei

Ferdinand Demetz (born January 4, 1842 in Ortisei in Val Gardena ; †  March 4, 1902 ; also Ferdinand Demetz Furdenan , Ferdinand Demetz Academia ) was an academic sculptor in Val Gardena and founder of the technical school in Ortisei.


Ferdinand Demetz was born as the son of Jan Meine Demetz and Christina Runggaldier on the Furdenan farm in Ortisei. He was initially a sculptor's apprentice in his father's workshop before visiting the Mayer'sche Hofkunstanstalt under the design direction of Joseph Knabl in Munich and the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna . He also learned to play with a flugelhorn. He graduated in Vienna with a sculpture of God the Father, for which he was awarded the Golden Cross with Crown. On December 16, 1866, he entered the Royal Art Academy in Munich .

In 1873 he founded the "Fachschule in Ortisei" with the support of the government in Vienna and ran five workshops with 30 to 40 employees and 12 to 14 apprentices to manufacture sacred furnishings for churches.

The sculptors Franz Tavella , Jakob Crepaz-Maidl , Filip Noflaner, Vigil Dorigo, Anton Pitscheider-Menza , Josef (Sepl) Pitscheider-Menza, Josef Parschalk and Valentino Sommavilla came from his workshop .

After the establishment of the art school in Bozen in 1883 and the withdrawal of state funds, Ferdinand Demetz ran the technical school in Ortisei with his own funds. In 1886 he was elected mayor of Ortisei. Around 1900 he had the first high-pressure water pipe built in Ortisei and in 1890 the first electric sawmill and electric wood planer in Val Gardena.

From 1902 to 1903 his grandson Luis Trenker worked in the electricity company, which he managed, in Ortisei.

Works (selection)

In the parish church of St. Ulrich he created the 14 cast stone stations, the pulpit, the reliefs on the side of the tabernacle on the main altar, and St. Joseph with the baby Jesus.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Matriculation book of the academy in Munich (accessed October 31, 2008)


  • Wilhelm Moroder-Lusenberg: The market town of Ortisei in Val Gardena , self-published Innsbruck, 1908, p. 61.
  • Union di Ladins de Gherdëina (ed.): Calender de Gherdeina 1951 , Weger Brixen, 1951.
  • Chiocchetti Nadia. Nosta Jent. Persones y personalités dla Ladinia. Union Generela di Ladins dles Dolomites. Fotolito Longo (no year). Texts in Ladin Dolomitan with summary in German and Italian. ISBN 88-901703-4-4 .

Web links

Commons : Ferdinand Demetz  - Collection of images, videos and audio files