Holidays in Hell (1961)

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German title Holidays in Hell
Original title Vacances en enfer
Country of production France
original language French
Publishing year 1961
length 82 minutes
Director Jean Kerchbron
script France Roche
production Gilbert de Goldschmidt
music François Rauber
camera Marcel Fradetal
cut Suzanne Baron

Holidays in Hell (original title: Vacances en enfer ) is a French war drama from 1961 . The film is the adaptation of the 1955 novel Dieu reconnaîtra les siens ( German  "God will recognize his own " ) by the writer Jean Bommart .


August 1944. The young soldier André Bourges (Michel Subor) has been on the run for a long time. He has been on the road since Russia and also escaped the SS. Persecuted from all sides, he meets the artel family in the Pyrenees. Monsieur Martel suffers from heart attacks and his wife, a former opera singer worries about the two children Catherine and Jean. Catherine falls in love with André and promises to take him to the Spanish border ...


"Melodramatic story of resistance, deprived of the seriousness aimed for by hollow-sounding philosophy of life and a banal love story."

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Individual evidence

  1. Holidays in Hell. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed October 27, 2016 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used