Liquid goods

Liquid bulk ( English liquid goods ) is the name of mineral , vegetable or animal products in semi-liquid, liquid , or gaseous state of aggregation that are carried in the liquid state.
Liquid goods are non-divisible goods that are often transported in so-called wagon loads in tank wagons with block trains in rail traffic . Occasionally, tanker trucks are also used in road haulage .
Liquid goods can be food (classic example milk ), but also hazardous substances according to GGVSE e.g. B. hydrochloric acid (chemically pure, as a waste product of the chemical industry).
In the liquid goods terminals of the seaports , industrial companies increasingly supply themselves with goods to be labeled according to GGVSee such as biodiesel , methanol , pentane or styrene . In earlier times, tankers without mandatory labeling according to hazardous materials law were on the move with glue .
Individual evidence
- ↑ Liquid goods. on transport information service