Florence Halop

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Florence Halop (born January 23, 1923 in Queens , New York City , New York - † July 15, 1986 in Los Angeles , California ) was an American actress .


Florence Halop began her career as a radio play speaker at Orson Welles ' Mercury Theater at the age of four and was primarily active in radio, particularly in the 1940s. As an actress, she first appeared in an uncredited supporting role in the comedy film Nancy Drew ... Reporter . The following year she starred alongside her brother Billy Halop in Junior G-Men . In the 1950s she had guest appearances on series such as I Love Lucy and played the role of Mama Bronson in 78 episodes between 1952 and 1955 in the sitcom Meet Millie .

In the 1960s she continued to make guest appearances in formats that were also successful in the German-speaking area, such as Alfred Hitchcock Presents and tennis rackets and cannons . She had one of her rare feature films in 1966 in the Doris Day comedy Spy in Lace Panties . Only at an advanced age did she get roles through which she became known among television audiences. First she played Mrs. Hufnagel in the medical series Chefarzt Dr. Westphall , before replacing Selma Diamond , who died of cancer , on season two of the sitcom Harry's Miraculous Criminal Court . In the second season, Halop portrayed the bailiff Florence Kleiner , but, like Diamond, died of cancer before her. In the series she was then replaced by Marsha Warfield .

Halop was married to George Gruskin between 1949 and 1975, and the couple had two children.

Filmography (selection)

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