Floribert Songasonga Mwitva

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Floribert Songasonga Mwitwa (born August 29, 1937 in Kalasa ) is Old Archbishop of Lubumbashi .


Floribert Songasonga Mwitwa was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Elisabethville on August 14, 1963 .

Pope Paul VI appointed him on April 25, 1974 Bishop of Kolwezi . The Archbishop of Kinshasa , Joseph-Albert Cardinal Malula , donated him the episcopal ordination on August 24th of the same year; Co- consecrators were Victor Petrus Keuppens OFM , bishop emeritus of Kolwezi, and Tharcisse Tshibangu Tshishiku , auxiliary bishop in Kinshasa.

Pope John Paul II appointed him Archbishop of Lubumbashi on May 22, 1998. He resigned from his office on December 1, 2010.

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predecessor Office successor
Victor Petrus Keuppens OFM Bishop of Kolwezi
Nestor Ngoy Katahwa
Eugène Kabanga Songasonga Archbishop of Lubumbashi
Jean-Pierre Tafunga Mbayo SDS