Torture mill of the captured women

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German title Torture mill of the captured women
Original title Les raisins de la mort
Country of production France
original language French
Publishing year 1978
length 87 minutes
Age rating FSK indexed / 18
Director Jean Rollin
script Jean Rollin,
Jean-Pierre Bouyxou
production Claude Guedj
music Philippe Sissmann
camera Claude Becognée
cut Christian Stoianovich ,
Dominique Saint-Cyr

The Grapes of Death (Video Title: Pesticides - City of Zombies , zombies defiled women ; Original: Les Raisins de la Mort in . Dt about "The Grapes of Death") is a French low-budget - horror film of 1978, directed by Jean Rollin . The exploitation film is one of the first French gore films .


The use of illegal pesticides on the French Goblesse winery in Languedoc infects the local winegrowers with serious consequences. After initially feeling unwell, the workers of the winery manager Michel, including the young Kowalski, soon turn into mindless, aggressive beasts that murder bloodthirstily.

Claudine, who is on her way to see her lover Michel, travels with her best friend on an almost deserted train on their well-deserved vacation. At a stopover near the destination, Kowalski, contaminated with insect repellent , gets on the train and, unnoticed by Claudine, kills her friend in the on-board toilet. The taciturn stranger, who turns into a wild creature within a few minutes, then goes on the hunt for Claudine, who, however, manages to bring the train to a standstill and flee from the mysterious man.

On her odyssey through the French provinces she comes to an old farmhouse that is inhabited by the apparently insane Lucien and his young daughter Antoinette. The strange man, whose left hand is deformed, refuses to give Claudine any help and does not allow her to contact the police because he previously brutally murdered his wife. Fearing that his act could be punished, he kills his daughter, who is also contaminated, with a pitchfork in Claudine's presence, before demanding that Claudine kill himself. In tears, the young woman kills the eccentric with his small car and then continues her journey.

Her journey takes her to the next village, where she kills another infected person in self-defense with the revolver taken from the glove compartment of the car. Completely disturbed and hysterical, Claudine later wanders through the rocky landscape on foot when, in the middle of nowhere, she comes across the white clad, slightly confused, blind Lucy, who seems to have lost her way. Claudine offers the young woman to take her back to her nearby village, which is near Michel's winery. The formerly lively village turns out to be extremely hostile to life and is littered with gruesome corpses.

Night has now fallen, and Lucy secretly separates from Claudine in search of her lover Lucas. Soon the blind woman is surrounded and killed by mutant villagers. Shocked, the armed Claudine flees from the walking figures in a house that is inhabited by the attractive but mysterious Jeannette. Claudine was initially given shelter and reported on a wine tasting that had brought all the villagers into this wretched condition. When the two try to leave the village in the direction of the Goblesse winery, about 3 km away, Jeanette turns out to be an accomplice of the disfigured locals and tries to drive the unsuspecting Claudine into the arms of the mad.

When two armed peasants, the elder Paul and his younger companion Pierre, who were brought up to the scene and who were aware of the activities, entered the village with its bizarre creatures, Claudine managed to escape from her captors. Paul and Pierre systematically shoot down the creatures and use dynamite to destroy the homes of the living residents when they meet the terrified Claudine. Before that, she had fought a duel with Jeanette, who in turn blew herself up and the two men's vehicles.

The trio marches on foot on the impassable terrain to the isolated winery, from which the wine adulation originates, and finally reaches it at dawn. In the deserted property they first inform the police and learn of an approaching special unit that is supposed to contain the disease caused by an insect repellent. They also learn that the small group is about to be picked up by a helicopter. Claudine can't take it any longer and goes in search of her already infected fiancé Michel, whom she finds in the attic of a hall. Michel explains to her that he had ordered the use of a new type of non-approved pesticide that caused the whole misery and left all estate employees "rotten alive". Despite his illness and the increasing disfigurement, the loving Claudine stands by her Michel, she hugs him. When they are disturbed by the armed Pierre, Michel asks him to give him the coup de grace, which he immediately grants him. Michel dies.

At the end of the film, Michel is avenged by the stunned and amorous Claudine by shooting Pierre in the chest with his gun. It is similar to Paul, who also falls victim to the angry avenger. In the last shot of the film you can see the exhausted Claudine, whose face is dripping Michel's contaminated blood.


"In the approach it is a poetic and sometimes convincing attempt to combine traditional horror with the theme of nature's revenge on people."

“Certainly, this is really not the most intelligent film, but if you like filthy zombie films, you can also watch this one. The title is a bit strange because it is not about zombies, i.e. the undead, but about people who have been disfigured by an illness and have become insane as a result. "

- Haiko herds : Haiko's film dictionary

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Torture Mill of Captive Women. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  2. Haiko Herd: Pesticides - City of Zombies. Haiko's film dictionary, accessed January 5, 2011 .