François Français

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Joseph François Français (born April 7, 1768 in Saverne , Département Bas-Rhin , † October 30, 1810 in Mainz , then the capital of the Département du Mont-Tonnerre ) was a French mathematician who worked in the field of differential calculus . He helped publish Jean-Robert Argand's work on complex numbers .


Johanniterkommende Mainz
Ball bombs hung with chains, from which flames beat, are located at the entrance gate as an allegory for the French artillery school.

After completing his studies, he became a professor at the College (collège) of Colmar in 1791 and at that of Strasbourg in 1792 . After France declared war on Austria , he became involved in the military. In October 1797 he became professor of mathematics at the École centrale des Départements Haut-Rhin in Colmar. In September 1803 he was a professor of mathematics at the "Lycée de Mayence" in Mainz and later at the artillery school of La Fère . He then returned to Mainz, where he taught at the artillery school in the former Johanniter-Kommende Heiliggrab.

His 1795 treatise on partial differential equations, which he presented to the Academy of Sciences in 1797, was not published but caught the attention of Sylvestre Lacroix . Français worked with Louis François Antoine Arbogast on differential calculus and inherited his records after his death. In 1804 he presented a paper on the subject, but it was never published.

He also maintained scientific correspondence with Adrien-Marie Legendre , Joseph-Louis Lagrange , Sylvestre Lacroix and Jean-Baptiste Biot . Legendre gave him a font from Jean-Robert Argand on the geometric interpretation of complex numbers ( Argand diagram ).

He died on October 30, 1810 in Mayence, capital of the Canton de Mayence . His brother Jacques Frédéric Français discovered and published his diverse works after his death.

Publications, writings

  • Annales de mathematiques pures et appliquées , 1812
  • Memoire sur le mouvement de rotation d'un corps solid libre autour de son center de masse , Paris, 1813


  • René Taton , biographical article on François Français, in Dictionary of Scientific Biography , volume non identifié, New York, 1970–1980, 16 volumes

Web links

  • JJ O'Connor and EF Robertson, article François Joseph Français, online biography on the Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of St Andrews

Individual evidence

  1. ^ François Joseph Français , Article François Joseph Français
  2. ^ Jean-Robert Argand ( Memento of September 21, 2009 in the Internet Archive )", on
  3. Dominique Flament: Histoire des nombres complexes , CNRS éditions, ISBN 2-271-06128-8 , p. 164
  4. Sur le Dictionary of Scientific Biography (16 volumes, 1970-1980), son successeur le New Dictionary of Scientific Biography (8 volumes, 2007), ainsi que sur la version électronique regroupant les 24 volumes, le Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography , publié en 2007, voir sur la Wikipédia en anglais l'article Dictionary of Scientific Biography .
  5. ^ François Joseph Français