François Grimaudet

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François Grimaudet (* 1520 in Angers ; † 29 August 1580 ) was a French lawyer .


François Grimaudet was a son of than in Angers alderman make Pierre Grimaudet. It is an untenable assumption that he descended from the Italian Grimaldis , one of whom was named François at the beginning of the 15th century with Louis II , Duke of Anjou, who came to France as treasurer from Italy.

François Grimaudet studied law . After working as a lawyer in his hometown for some time, he became presidential counselor and, in 1558, the king's lawyer or, according to modern terminology, public prosecutor in Angers. The religious wars raging at the time made Grimaudet's position difficult. He stayed true to the Roman Catholic creed. Even so, he was charged with sympathizing with the Huguenots . The occasion for this was a free-spirited speech which he gave to the assembly of the estates of Anjou in 1560 and which appeared under the title Remontrances aux États d'Angers assemblé le 14 Octobre 1560 (Poitiers 1561). The Provincial Estates of Anjou had then met to elect representatives for the assembly of the Estates General that was to meet in Orléans . Grimaudet did not openly show himself to be a Huguenot in his speech, but he was quite a free-thinking Catholic, which could make him appear suspicious in the then very excited times. In the speech he attacked the Catholic clergy not only because of their vicious life, but also demanded that laypeople should also be allowed to deliberate in the general councils and that the clergy should place themselves under secular power.

Such statements appeared heretical to strict Catholics and had to arouse resolute opponents to the speaker. His own colleague Raoul Surguin published against him a treatise Traité contre certaines remontrances faites à la première assemblée des États tenus à Angers le 14 jour d'Octobre 1560 (Paris 1562). On April 15, 1561, the Sorbonne of Paris felt compelled to condemn six sentences in Grimaudet's speech as heretical. Although Grimaudet stayed away from the Huguenots and declared that he was wrongly counted among the Huguenots, he remained suspicious. This was shown in 1572 on Bartholomew's Night . His brother Jean, who was the silver keeper of King Henry of Navarre , was spared the butchery only as a result of an express order given by the future King of France, Henry III. , then Duke of Anjou, addressed the lay judges of Angers.

François Grimaudet's life was certainly no less threatened; he probably owed his life to the same order that saved his brother. Duke Heinrich von Anjou appears to be an apparent patron of Grimaudet. He appointed Grimaudet, who had retired from the legal service since his conviction by the Sorbonne and was devoted only to scientific work and consultative work, in 1573 as chairman of his council and as his rapporteur for Anjou, in which capacity Grimaudet on May 29th 1574 took the oath. Grimaudet died on August 29, 1580 at the age of 60.

Grimaudet's work De la puissance royale et sacerdotale. Opuscule politique , which appeared in print a year before his death in Paris, was indexed in 1661 by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith .


The works of Grimaudet appeared collectively under the title Œuvres de François Grimaudet sur les matières du droit ecclésiastique, du droit public et du droit civil (Amiens and Paris 1669). The specific titles of the papers printed therein are as follows:

  • Commentarii ad edictum judicum praesidialium publicatum anno 1550 , Paris 1550
  • Paraphrase du droit de retraite lignagers, recueillie des coutumes de France , Paris 1564
  • Traité de causes qui excusent le dol , Paris 1569 and 1586
  • Paraphrase du droit des dixmes ecclésiastiques et inféodées , Paris 1574; second edition 1586
  • Paraphrase du droit des usures et contrats pignoratifs , Paris 1577; 2nd edition 1586
  • Des monnoyes, augment et diminution du prix d'icelles , Paris 1579 and 1586
  • De la puissance royale et sacerdotale. Opuscule politique , 1579
  • Opuscules politiques , Paris 1580

De haereticis a principe puniendis et gratia haereseos resipiscentibus facienda (Paris 1560) are not included among the collected works . Grimaudet also handwritten the works Traité de la dignité royale dans l'église and Annotations sur la coutume d'Anjou .


Individual evidence

  1. Jesús Martínez de Bujanda , Marcella Richter: Index des livres interdits: Index librorum prohibitorum 1600–1966 . Médiaspaul, Montréal 2002, ISBN 2-89420-522-8 , pp. 408, GRIMAUDET, François (1520-1580) . (French, Google digitized version ).