Francesca Tanksley

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Francesca Tanksley (* 21st November 1957 in Vicenza , Italy ) is an American jazz - pianist .

Francesca Tanksley was born in Italy to an American and an Austrian and grew up in Munich, where her father worked for Radio Free Europe . From the age of seven she had piano lessons; At the age of 16 she moved to Boston , where she studied piano and composition at Berklee College of Music and now teaches it herself. After two years she returned to Munich, where she worked a. a. with Al Porcino , Charly Antolini and Rudi Fuesers . In 1980 she moved to New York City, where she worked at Melba Liston until 1983 . During this time she began working with saxophonist Billy Harper for many years . Robin Eubanks and Steve Turre ("Dedication") made the first recordings . She has also worked with Clifford Jordan , Cecil Payne , David Newman , Nick Brignola , Slide Hampton , Sheila Jordan , Jay Clayton , Bill Hardman and Erica Lindsay . With her, Francesca Tanksley leads the Erica Lindsay - Howard Johnson Quintet . Tanksley also worked with a quintet and in a trio with bassist Clarence Seay and drummer Newman Taylor Baker , colleagues from Harper's band, with whom she recorded her debut album “Journey” (released on DreamCaller ) in August 2002 .


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