Francesco Granacci

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Annunciation to Mary

Francesco d'Andrea di Marco Granacci (* 1469 in Villamagna ; † November 30, 1543 in Florence ) was a painter of the Italian Renaissance and a lifelong friend of Michelangelo . He is mentioned in Giorgio Vasari's Viten.


Granacci's artistic career probably began in the mid-1480s when he joined Domenico Ghirlandaio's workshop as an apprentice . There he met Michelangelo, who was to remain a lifelong friend. As an assistant, he participated in the workshop several times in the paintings of his master. So he helped z. E.g. in the frescoes in San Marco , which were commissioned by Lorenzo de 'Medici . When the sculptor Bertoldo di Giovanni , a student of Donatello , was looking for apprentices for his sculpture garden near San Marco, the young Granacci and Michelangelo, who was naturally more attracted to sculpture, moved to his workshop.

After completing his apprenticeship as a sculptor, Granacci turned away from both techniques he had learned, fresco painting and sculpture, and began to devote himself to tempera and oil painting. His early works, such as B. four stories from the life of John the Baptist , the Adoration of the Three Magi or the Madonna with St. Thomas , show a strong influence of his teacher Ghirlandaio and his temporary colleague Filippino Lippi in the use of light and paint . In 1508 Granacci traveled to Rome to help his friend Michelangelo paint the Sistine ceiling with other old companions from Ghirlandaio's workshop . The stay lasted only for a short time, however, as after completing the box, due to its poor quality, Michelangelo decided to do the work himself and dismissed his assistants.

Back in Florence that same year, a Madonna and Child and Saints Francis and Jerome was created for the Augustinian convent of San Gallo.

After his stay in Rome, Granacci's style began to change: a number of pictures that he painted after his return to Florence show a mannerist influence, which is most likely due to Michelangelo. Works from the years 1520–1525, however, approach the style of Fra Bartolomeos .

Granacci died in 1543 and was buried in the church of Sant 'Ambrogio in Florence.

Works (selection)

Dated works

Undated works

  • Madonna della Cintola, oil on panel

Controversial works


Web links

Commons : Francesco Granacci  - collection of images, videos and audio files