Frank-Dietmar Richter

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Frank-Dietmar Richter (* 1944 in Baruth / Mark ) is a German forester .

He played a key role in the transformation of the state forest administration of North Rhine-Westphalia into the state enterprise forest and wood NRW , which he also headed from the beginning of 2008 to the beginning of 2011.


Frank-Dietmar Richter comes from an old forest forestry family. Born in Brandenburg , he grew up in Coesfeld . After graduating from high school, he studied forest sciences at the Georg-August University of Göttingen and the Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg , graduating with a degree in forestry in 1971. He completed his legal clerkship in North Rhine-Westphalia and passed the Great State Forestry Examination .

1973 joined judge in the North Rhine-Westphalian State Forestry Administration, where he first in the papers forestry policy and public relations of the Higher Forest Service at the Chamber of Agriculture Westfalen-Lippe in Münster worked. Most recently, he was in charge of public relations for the higher forest authority as a personal advisor .

In 1976, he moved to the Steinfurt Forestry Office as Head of Department and Deputy Head , and he was given management responsibility in 1980 when his predecessor Friedrich Bernhardt retired. At the time, Frank-Dietmar Richter set himself the goal of maintaining the small forest area in the Steinfurt district and, if possible, increasing it. The local forest ownership structure made this project much more difficult: The forest office's share of private forest was 93 percent, with 89 percent of private forest owners having forest properties averaging only 2.5 hectares (as of 1989). These structures partly resulted from the earlier division of brands . To mobilize the often untapped forest resources, intensified the Forestry Department under Richter's leadership, the private forest service , helped the local forest farmers in the establishment of forest plant communities , built a central timber marketing and led to near-natural silviculture one. This was possible thanks to successful persuasion among the young forest owners that even small, parceled forests must be cared for and increased. Richter and his team received support not least from Gustav Deiters , the long-time chairman of the Steinfurt district group of the forest farmers' association of North Rhine-Westphalia, who also headed the forestry office's forestry committee for many years. Nonetheless, the establishment of the forest management associations was difficult. By 1989, of the around 4,500 forest owners in the forestry district, only about 420 had joined together to form six forest management associations and contributed around 7,200 hectares of forest area. That corresponded to about a quarter of the forest office's total forest area of ​​27,200 hectares. It was also initially not possible to significantly increase the total forest area in the district - between 1977 and 1988 19 hectares of forest were lost. They were used for agriculture, excavation and mining as well as building and traffic areas.

The forestry office cooperated closely with the biological stations and nature conservation associations of the Steinfurt district on issues relating to nature conservation in the forest . In addition, from 1990 to 2000 Richter took over the honorary chairmanship of the largest nature conservation association in the Steinfurt district, the Steinfurt-Tecklenburg district hunters' association of the North Rhine-Westphalia State Hunting Association , one of the largest district hunting associations in Germany with almost 2800 members at the time (as of 1991).

After 24 years at the Steinfurt Forestry Office, most recently in the rank of Chief Forestry Director, in 2000 Frank-Dietmar Richter was appointed to take over the management of the higher forestry authority in Westphalia-Lippe as the successor to the retired departmental director Rudolf Gerbaulet. His successor in the Steinfurt Forestry Office was Heinz-Peter Hochhäuser. When the two higher and 35 lower forest authorities of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia were absorbed in the course of a forest reform in 2005 in the newly created state enterprise forest and wood NRW , Richter was initially appointed deputy head of the same and later commissioned with its reorganization. His former forestry office in Steinfurt was also dissolved as part of the reform.

After the head of the state operations, Dr. Gerhard Beckmann, and the Ministry of Forestry under Forest Minister Eckhard Uhlenberg (CDU) had given disagreements about how to handle the storm wood after Hurricane Kyrill and the associated supply contracts, Beckmann took early retirement at the end of 2007 . Then judge was on 1 January 2008 as head of the State Office ordered . If he had previously played a key role in the restructuring of the state forest administration, his task now consisted in further consolidating the state operation as a unified forest administration. The consequences of Kyrill still preoccupied him. On February 1, 2011, Richter retired.

Hunting positions

Frank-Dietmar Richter has always committed himself to hunting , whereby hunting must be environmentally friendly and ecologically oriented. Hunting in its modern form is not a hobby or eccentric pleasure, nor is it a restrained gratification of wild instincts, but a cultivated way of the original relationship between humans and living nature, as Richter said in his inaugural speech in 1991 as the new chairman of the Steinfurt-Tecklenburg district hunters' association carried out.

He saw the increasing alienation of large parts of society as a problem for the future acceptance of hunting :

“One of our very big problems will be that the majority of the population grows up and lives completely remote from nature in consumer gottos; that on the one hand she is sensitized to environmental problems by the media, on the other hand she hardly has the opportunity and experience to differentiate herself. "

Hunting will only have a future if the hunters succeed in bringing their hunting activities into harmony with the natural perceptions of their fellow citizens. "Sublime fuss" just make them ridiculous. Rather, hunters should see themselves as ordinary members of the pluralistic society; their sometimes high hunting leases do not give them the right to “act as landlord in the open countryside”. And the hunters would have to be honest with their real motives:

“If we are vehemently committed to the hunt for ravens, crows and magpies , we are primarily doing it to improve our autumn small game ranges . Why shouldn't we admit that? If we consider this joy to be offensive, if we don't have the courage to acknowledge it, it is time to give up the shot. "

As chairman of the district hunters' association, Richter also attacked the Steinfurt district council sharply in 1997 after it had increased the hunting tax by 25 percent. This was decided in a "silent hussar ride ", the hunting tax a " penalty tax ":

"It is a slap in the face for all those who have done something for our nature and it should be abolished."

Richter demanded that at least the hunters' money from the hunting tax be earmarked for biotope measures on site. In fact, the hunting tax remained a nuisance for hunters in North Rhine-Westphalia for over a dozen more years before it is due to be phased out by 2013.


  • -chi-: "I defied many a storm". Forest director Richter said goodbye . In: Ibbenbürener Volkszeitung from July 1, 2000

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c N.N .: Forest authority has new head. Frank-Dietmar Richter: "The forest area must be preserved and increased" . In: Ibbenbürener Volkszeitung from July 4, 1980
  2. a b c d N.N .: Frank-Dietmar Richter retired ; Press release from the State Office for Forest and Wood NRW, from February 15, 2011; Retrieved February 19, 2011
  3. cf. Frank-Dietmar Richter and Klaudia Hüls: The Steinfurt Forestry Office. 1949-1989 . Steinfurt Forestry Office, Steinfurt 1989, p. 39
  4. -chi-: "I defied many a storm". Forest director Richter says goodbye / successor high-rise buildings . In: Ibbenbürener Volkszeitung from July 1, 2000
  5. Klaus Rotte (-kr-): "Life's work for the city and the district". Federal Cross of Merit for Gustav Deiters senior . In: Ibbenbürener Volkszeitung from March 10, 2009 ( ( page no longer available , search in web archives: online version ) from March 9, 2009)@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /
  6. cf. Frank-Dietmar Richter and Klaudia Hüls: The Steinfurt Forestry Office. 1949-1989 . Forestry Office Steinfurt, Steinfurt 1989, p. 39 u. 56
  7. ^ Frank-Dietmar Richter and Klaudia Hüls: The Steinfurt Forestry Office. 1949-1989 . Steinfurt Forestry Office, Steinfurt 1989, pp. 49-50
  8. NN: New head of the Landesbetrieb Wald . In: Westfälische Nachrichten of January 5, 2008
  9. ( page can no longer be called up , search in web archives: NN: Frank-Dietmar Richter is the new head of the forest and wood office in North Rhine-Westphalia ); Press release of the State Office for Forest and Wood NRW from January 4th, 2008; Retrieved February 19, 2011@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /
  10. a b c d -ivz-: Chairman Frank-Dietmar Richter: "Hunting is not an eccentric hobby". Annual general meeting of the district hunters' association at Hoppe-Rethmann was well attended . In: Ibbenbürener Volkszeitung from March 11, 1991
  11. a b c -bk-: Hunting tax: "Hussar ride of the district administration". The annual meeting of the hunters strongly criticized the 25 percent increase in fees . In: Ibbenbürener Volkszeitung from April 23, 1997