Franz Adolf von Nagel

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Franz Adolf von Nagel (born July 9, 1680 ; † March 3, 1746 in Hildesheim ) was official dean in Winzenburg ( Hildesheim Monastery ) and provost in Hildesheim.


Origin and family

Franz Adolf von Nagel grew up as the son of Dietrich Hermann von Nagel and his wife Maria Klara von Billerbeck zu Egelborg (1644–1701) together with his siblings Ferdinand Matthias , Ferdinand Ignaz and Maria Elisabeth (* 1681, ∞ Johann Bertraud von Etzbach) and his Half-brothers Christoph Bernhard and Georg Levin in the ancient Westphalian noble family von Nagel .

Career and work

Franz Adolf studied first in Siena and then in Paris. On December 16, 1704 he received a Dompräbende in Hildesheim ( emancipation 1705). On June 6, 1705 he was ordained a subdeacon with the minor ordinations . The appointment to the official dearth of Winzenburg fell in the year 1712. In 1723 he also received a cathedral priest in Münster . (Emancipation 1724). Prior to the cathedral chapter Hildesheim on March 2 in 1734 provost was elected, he worked for three years as Domscholaster. In addition to the Oblegium Averbeck, Franz Adolf also owned the Archdeaconate of Stöckheim. In addition to the important office of provost, whose task it was to lead the cathedral chapter and to represent it externally, Franz Adolf worked in various government offices. He was also a deputy of the Landespfennigkammer . Franz Adolf was buried in Hildesheim Cathedral.


Marcus Weidner: Landadel in Münster 1600–1760, NF 18.1 a. February 18, Aschendorff Verlag, Münster 2000

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