Franz Claassen

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Franz Claassen (born November 15, 1881 in Goldbeck ( Bublitz district ; Köslin district ; Pomerania province ); missing on the Eastern Front since May 2, 1945 ) was a German officer , most recently Rear Admiral .


From April 10, 1899, Franz Claassen served in various functions in the Imperial Navy , including around 1904 in the landing corps in Africa. As a lieutenant captain he was the first torpedo officer on the SMS Lützow around 1916 . For his participation in the Skagerrakschlacht he received the Iron Cross 1st class. He then served on the SMS Frankfurt and SMS Emden II, among others . From 1919 he was a member of the Loewenfeld Marine Brigade . For a short time from December 1921 to January 1922 he was in command of the SMS Braunschweig with the rank of corvette captain . Later he was first head of the central department of the Reich shipyards , from 1923 to 1925 commander of the II Marine artillery department and then until 1928 commander of Swinoujscie. On September 29, 1928, after 29 years of service, he left the Reichsmarine .

In the inter-war period he was Gaufführer of the Voluntary Labor Service (FAD) for the Arbeitsgau V Pommern from April 1, 1932 to 1934 and from 1934 as successor to Rüdiger von der Goltz until 1939 trustee of the work for the Pomeranian economy. Between August 1939 and April 1941 he was the only commander in the Kolberg section . Then until May 1941 he was at the disposal of the commanding admiral of the naval station of the Baltic Sea . From May on, he was up to the resolution on November 6, 1941 the only Navy Commander C . From November 7, 1941 to February 28, 1942 he was again available to the commanding admiral of the Baltic Sea Station and was then on leave. Claassen was deployed between Wismar and Stettin in the spring of 1945 in the fight against Russian tank units. He has been missing on the Eastern Front since May 2, 1945.


Awards (selection)

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Degeners Who is it? Verlag Herrmann Degener, 1935, p. 248 ( [accessed on March 13, 2020]).
  2. ^ Germany naval leadership: Ranking list of the German Reichsmarine . ES Mittler., 1904, p. 30 ( [accessed on March 13, 2020]).
  3. ^ Gary Staff: German Battlecruisers of World War One: Their Design, Construction and Operations . Seaforth Publishing, 2014, ISBN 978-1-84832-213-4 , pp. 283 ( [accessed on March 13, 2020]).
  4. ^ Germany (West) Bundesarchiv: Schriften des Bundesarchivs . H. Boldt Verlag., 1982, ISBN 978-3-7646-1824-7 , pp. 377 ( [accessed on March 13, 2020]).
  5. ^ Tonindustrie-Zeitung . Chemical Laboratory for Clay Industry., 1934, p. 384 ( [accessed on March 13, 2020]).
  6. ^ Acta Baltica . Institutum Balticum, 1981, p. 252 ( [accessed on March 13, 2020]).