Karl Friedrich Gustav Hetzel

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Karl Friedrich Gustav Hetzel (born November 25, 1889 in Oettingen in Bavaria , † May 6, 1966 in Lochham (Graefelfing) ) was a German hydraulic engineer and university professor .


He spent his youth in Memmingen . In 1908 after graduating from high school in Kempten , he studied civil engineering at the Technical University of Munich (TH Munich) until 1912 . Until August 1914 he worked for the construction management of the Saalach power plant near Bad Reichenhall . After serving in the army in the First World War and briefly as an assistant at the chair for hydraulic engineering at the Technical University of Munich, he passed the examination as a government master builder in 1919 and then worked in the central office of the Innwerk . In 1920 he was appointed government building officer in the Bavarian Supreme Building Authority . From June 1922 he was head of the construction management of the Kachletwerk near Passau . After a successful trial run of the plant, he returned to the Supreme Building Authority in October 1929.

On August 1, 1930, he was appointed to the chair for tunneling and construction engineering at the Technical University of Munich as the successor to Konrad Pressel . With the simultaneous introduction of a lecture on building management and building economics, the area of ​​responsibility was considerably expanded. From 1945 to 1946, together with Hans Döllgast , he actively campaigned for the reconstruction of the destroyed university and the resumption of teaching. Several times he was dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering. At the end of 1956 he retired.

His achievements were recognized by the award of the Bavarian Order of Merit .

The participation in the construction of the Jettenbach dam was a good prerequisite for the appointment to the board of the local construction management of the then largest river power plant in the Danube , the Kachletwerk near Passau . These systems have been reported in several publications.

Individual evidence

  1. Konrad Pressel, [1]
  2. ^ Burkhardt: Professor Karl Hetzel retired. The water management year 58, 1968 No. 11, p. 350. Karl Flierl , Professor Karl Hetzel, 70 years old. Der Bauingenieur 3, 1959, No. 10, p. 413. Paul-Gerhard Franke , Das Kachletwerk an der Donau, information report of the Bavarian State Office for Water Management No. 3 1983, pp. 217–227, Munich 1983.