Franz Karl Veyder von Malberg

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Franz Karl Veyder von Malberg, lithograph by Joseph Kriehuber
Knight's Cross of the Military Maria Theresa Order

Franz Karl Freiherr Veyder von Malberg (born May 28, 1775 at Malberg Castle ; † April 12, 1830 in Mainz ) was a kk major general.


Veyder von Malberg came from the second marriage of Peter Ernst Freiherr Veyder von Malberg; his mother was Marie Ernestine de Montigny. The oldest brother, Karl from the first marriage, stayed at the castle, the two younger ones from the second marriage became imperial officers, from 1806 for Austria .

As a 20-year-old ensign , he was involved in the storming of the Mainz lines in 1795. From 1809 he was adjutant to Lieutenant Field Marshal Chasteler in Tyrol, where as a major he initially led the vanguard of the corps that came to the aid of the rebellious peasants under Andreas Hofer against the French and Bavaria. Together with the citizens of Hall in Tirol , he delayed the advance of Bavaria on the Volders Bridge on May 14, 1809, saved Innsbruck from occupation and thus enabled Andreas Hofer to form his troops for the victorious battle of the Bergisel . For this he received the Knight's Cross of the Maria Theresa Order .

As a lieutenant colonel on April 1, 1810, he commanded a battalion of Archduke Karl's infantry regiment as a guard of honor on the occasion of Napoleon's marriage to Marie-Louise of Austria , daughter of the Austrian Emperor Franz I. In 1812, he was entrusted with the 7th Jägerregiment, which belonged to the auxiliary corps, that the defeated Austria had to provide Napoleon for the Russia campaign. On August 12, 1812 he took part in the successful Battle of Podubay . During the retreat from Moscow he was able to bring the remains of his regiment to safety.

From autumn 1813 Austria joined the coalition with Prussia, Russia and Sweden. On September 18, his 7th hunters conquered the town of Freiberg in Saxony, captured General Brunot and 400 French hussars, and gave their commander, Colonel Veyder von Malberg, the enemy commander's body horse. The troops were deployed in the front line at Steingrimma at the Battle of the Nations near Leipzig , then pursued the French at Naumburg (Saale) and captured the Saale bridge at Kössen on October 21. He received the Knight's Cross of the Order of Leopold from the Emperor and was appointed Adjutant General to Crown Prince Ferdinand in 1815. In 1817 he came to Pavia as commander of the 24th Infantry Line Regiment , in 1818 to Großwardein in Hungary and in 1920 was transferred to Alessandria as a brigadier . In 1823 he received the general command in the Karlstejn Fortress for the protection of Croatia and Slavonia, where he became the owner of Infantry Regiment No. 56. Most recently he was troop brigadier of Austrian and Prussian units in the federal fortress of Mainz , where he finally died and was buried in an honorary grave.

Since August 8, 1827 he was with Julie, the widow of his older brother Georg Friedrich, née. von Wallenburg, married. The couple had no children.
