Franz Schmalzgrueber

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Franz Xaver Schmalzgrueber , also Franciscus Schmalzgrueber (born October 9, 1663 in Griesbach , † November 7, 1735 in Dillingen an der Donau ) was a German Jesuit , theologian and university teacher .


Schmalzgrueber became a Jesuit at the age of 26. He studied at the University of Ingolstadt, where he earned both a Dr. theol. as well as a Dr. iur. can. In 1698 he received a professorship in logic, then in 1702 in morality and in 1705 a professorship in canon law at the University of Dillingen . In 1709 he followed a call back to Ingolstadt University, where he taught canon law as the successor to Melichor Friderich .

Schmalzgrueber worked from 1716 to 1724 and from 1730 to 1735 as Chancellor at the University of Dillingen. In the meantime he appeared for two years from 1724 as censor of the Jesuits in Rome . He also came to Munich , Neuburg an der Donau , Mindelheim , Augsburg , Innsbruck and Lucerne through his teaching activities .

His canonical literature was a standard work until 1917. The Sacra Rota in Rome also continued to draw on his works in reaching its judgment.

Publications (selection)

  • Corpus Naturale Per Principia sua examinatum , Ingolstadt 1701.
  • Ius canonicum.
    • Volume 1: Iudex ecclesiasticus , Ingolstadt 1711.
    • Volume 2: Iudicium eccles , Ingolstadt 1712.
    • Volume 3: Clerus Saecularis et Regularis , 2 parts, Ingolstadt 1713/1715.
    • Volume 4: Sponsalia , Ingolstadt 1715.
    • Volume 5: Crimen fori eccleseastici , 2 parts, Ingolstadt 1718.
  • Consilia seu responsa iuris , 1740.


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