Franz Weber (photographer)

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Franz Weber (born April 24, 1898 - February 19, 1984 ) was a photographer .

Franz Weber


Franz Weber first attended the teachers' seminar and then took part in the First World War. He then worked at the District School I, today's Pestalozzi School in Hanau . In 1928 he was commissioned to set up a photo archive for school lessons in Hanau . This was also the starting point for the "Bildstelle Hanau", which is initially run by the city, then by the Main-Kinzig district and today by the Hanau City Archives . Franz Weber ran the facility from 1934 until his retirement in 1967. Here he archived a large number of photographs (today) of historical views, which are an important source for local and regional historical research. Of these, two collections in particular that Franz Weber created should be emphasized:

  • The documentation of the transfer of Jewish citizens to the concentration and extermination camps at Hanau Central Station on May 30, 1942. Since photographs of deportations are very rare, the series by Franz Weber is probably the most extensive that captures a deportation in pictures experience a wide national and international distribution. As a rule, these images are reproduced whenever the aim is to illustrate these crimes.
  • His documentation of the historical buildings from the Middle Ages and the early modern times and the views of the city of Hanau, created in 1944 , in the highest photographic quality. These buildings were almost completely destroyed in the air raid on Hanau on March 19, 1945 during World War II . After the World War, the photographs enabled a retrospective representation of what was lost. Franz Weber also photographed the destruction after the air raids.

Franz Weber died on February 19, 1984 and was buried in the main cemetery in Hanau .


Literature with photographs by Franz Weber

  • Roland von Gottschalck, Werner Kurz and Franz Weber (photos): Hanau once. Pictures of a city that no longer exists . Hanau 1998. ISBN 3-926011-36-X
  • Heinrich Bott : The old town of Hanau. Building history, house directory, pictures. A memorial book for the 650th anniversary of the old town of Hanau . Hanau 1953.

Literature about Franz Weber

  • Roland von Gottschalck, Marianne Jacoby: 75 years of the media center / image center Hanau. 1934-2009 . Hanau 2009, ISBN 978-3-00-028707-7 .
  • W.-A. Nagel-Stiftung, Hanauer Geschichtsverein u. Magistrate of the City of Hanau (Ed.): Buried - but not forgotten. Well-known personalities at Hanau cemeteries . 2008, p. 148f.

Individual evidence

  1. Bott.