Fridolin in the vaudeville

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Original title Fridolin in the vaudeville
Country of production GDR
original language German
Publishing year 1957
length 18 minutes
Director Horst Flick
script Heinz Fischer
production DEFA studio for documentaries
music Kurt Grottke
camera Hans Dumke
Wolfgang Randel
cut Ingrid Sander

Fridolin im Varieté is a documentary film by the DEFA studio for newsreels and documentaries by Horst Flick from 1957 .


Together with many other children, Fridolin is on the way to the children's varieté in Berlin's Friedrichstadt-Palast . When the way to the main entrance becomes too full for him, he discovers another entrance, which is also used by children. When he reads that this is the stage entrance and the other children simply pass by with a greeting to the porter , he tries it too and he's inside.

After Fridolin has smuggled into the house, he meets a chimpanzee who first pulls a banana out of his pocket that his mother gave him for the break. The monkey quickly eats the banana and both of them have a drink. Fridolin realizes that monkeys sometimes behave more civilly than some boys. Suddenly a cloakroom lady comes and takes him to the other little actors, because she thinks he belongs to them. He watches her preparing for her performance and when he has the feeling of being exposed, he quickly escapes from the room. Here he gets into another group of child actors who are on their way to the performance and sees a stage from behind for the first time. While the program begins on the stage, Fridolin realizes that the action is much more interesting when viewed from behind.

Suddenly two stage technicians come to the place where Fridolin is hiding and he can only quickly disappear into a closet standing nearby. But it is precisely this cabinet that the men grab and carry it to a hoist so that it can be transported several meters down the street. At the last moment, Fridolin can leave the closet just before floating over the abyss. But he has learned nothing from the excitement and remains behind the stage. At least he is now looking at the performance again in which artificial cyclists can be seen right now . Then you can see a number in which dogs perform tricks.

But then he is noticed by a firefighter who is chasing him under the roof while a juggler is showing his skills on stage. When Fridolin wants to disappear downstairs, he runs straight into the arms of the fireman, who of course scolds him, but then shows the way to the auditorium. Here he is led to his seat by an usher , where he is received by his friends.

Production and publication

The black and white film, shot under the working title Kindervarieté , premiered on June 7, 1957.

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