Friedrich August Crome

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Friedrich August Crome (born February 21, 1757 in Rehburg , baptized February 22, 1757 , † May 1, 1825 in Jeinsen ) was a German Lutheran theologian and superintendent of the city of Einbeck and Jeinsen.


Crome, a son of the Rehburg pastor and later general superintendent Friedrich Andreas Crome , studied theology in Göttingen and was first tutor in Markoldendorf with a pastor Groschupf, then in Wunstorf with a major von Hinüber. After a very good second exam, in 1785 with Abbot Chappuzeau , he initially remained tutor again, in Hanover at the Consistorial Councilor Heiliger there.

In 1788 he became a pastor in Lauterberg , where he made the acquaintance of the philosopher Dorothea Schlözer , who was traveling through . On December 7, 1791, he married one of his confirmants, Henriette König (October 7, 1776 - June 19, 1798).

St. Alexandri, Einbeck

In 1799 he was appointed preacher in St. Alexander zu Einbeck and superintendent of the city, which was occupied by the French in 1803. On January 5, 1800, he married Wilhelmine von Ramdohr (July 25, 1778 - September 24, 1830), daughter of Christian von Ramdohr, senior citizen of the monastery. In 1817 he was appointed as a senior in the spiritual city ministry of Einbeck.

In August 1823, already suffering from severe lung problems, he was appointed superintendent in Jeinsen in the Kalenberg office. Here he died of consumption two years later .

He wrote smaller writings of theological content, including On the Preacher's Meditation , Leipzig 1808. His theology is shaped by the transition from Lutheran orthodoxy to rationalist Christianity.

Three of his sons reached manhood and also became pastors (Wilhelm Crome 1793-1842; Adolf Crome 1814-1886; Theodor Crome 1821-1874). Of five daughters, only Adelheid (1807–1886) married a pastor, Georg Christian Chappuzeau (1803–1879, grandson of Christoph Heinrich Chappuzeau ).


  • Karl Brandt: Life pictures Krome / Crome , private print Göttingen 1965
  • Heinrich Wilhelm Rotermund : The learned Hanover. Volume 1, Bremen 1823, p. 409