Friedrich August Fischer

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Friedrich August Fischer (born August 16, 1727 in Wittenberg ; † December 7, 1786 ibid) was a German legal scholar and professor at the University of Wittenberg , most recently with the rank and title of an electoral Saxon Real Appeal Council.


Fischer studied at the university in his hometown and completed a degree in law . In 1752 he became tax procurator in Saxony , rose to the council of the city of Wittenberg in 1758 and received his doctorate in law. After he was given the office of city ​​judge in 1759 , he became court judge and consistorial advocate. In 1763 Fischer moved to the law faculty of the University of Wittenberg as a full assessor and in 1764 resigned his offices as tax procurator, city judge and lawyer at the consistory .

Fischer took over the full professorship of the institutions , making him an assessor at the Wittenberg court and at the Wittenberg Schöppenstuhl . In 1765 he took over the professorship of the Dignesti infortiati et novi. In 1772 Fischer received from the Saxon Elector Friedrich August III. the rank and title of an electoral Saxon real appellate councilor in Dresden at the appellate court there , which he held twice a year. Finally, in 1782, he took over the professorship of the Digesti veteris, which was associated with an admission to the Wittenberg consistory. Although Fischer was not particularly prominent in the history of law, he was involved in the administration of the Wittenberg University and was rector of the university in the summer semesters of 1769 and 1783 .


Friedrich August Fischer was the son of the Wittenberg postmaster Johann Friedrich Fischer († November 4, 1735 in Wittenberg) and his wife Christine Elisabeth born in 1726 . Krebs († June 9, 1737 in Wittenberg), daughter of the Wittenberg citizen and Kramer Johann George Krebs.

Fischer was married three times. His first marriage was on May 22nd, 1760 in Wittenberg, Johanna Friederika geb. Reinhardt (born September 18, 1727 in Wittenberg; † March 20, 1764 ibid), daughter of the Royal Polish and Electoral Saxon Appellate Council, assessors of the law faculty and Wittenberg mayor , Christian Gottlieb Reinhardt.

In his second marriage, Fischer married Christiane Henriette born in Wittenberg in 1765. Preller (born August 10, 1741 in Wittenberg; † June 5, 1772 ibid), daughter of the escort and post commissioner from Electoral Saxony, later excise commissioner , Loth Friedrich Preller (1706–1774).

In his third marriage, Fischer married on April 22nd, 1773 in Walda near Großenhain Johanna Ursula Charlotta Christiana geb. Schröter († August 23, 1777 in Wittenberg), youngest daughter of the lawyer, electoral Saxon senior consistorial councilor and manorial estate owner on Walda near Großenhain with Bauda and Wildenhain , Johann Paul Schröter (1719–1782). The couple had three daughters:

  • Johanne Friederike Auguste Henriette Fischer (born April 2, 1774 in Wittenberg; † December 12, 1786 ibid),
  • Johanna Ferdinandina Augusta Fischer (born September 2, 1775 in Wittenberg),
  • Ursula Friederika Rudolphina Fischer (born August 18, 1777 in Wittenberg; † February 1, 1858 in Dresden ) married in 1798 the real secret war council and vice-president of the Saxon secret war council , Christoph Sigismund Freiherr von Gutschmid (1757-1815).

Fischer's third wife died in childbed after giving birth to their third daughter.

Selection of works

  1. Diss. Inaug. de veritate per clericum emenda. Wittenberg 1758
  2. Diss. De petitione Apostolorum, atque postissimum eius fatali in Lusatia superiore a die latae sententiae computando. Wittenberg 1762.
  3. Diss. Sistens observationes iuris Saxonici, de iure cognoscendi et ventlendi cerevisiam. Wittenberg 1765
  4. Prog. Retractum consanguinitatis in heredes extraneos ne per litis quidem contestationem transmitti. Wittenberg 1764
  5. Diss. Observationum iurís criminalis specimen I. Wittenberg 1767
  6. Diss. Queraadmodum militibus succedatur? Wittenberg 1773
  7. Prog. De dominio propter residuum pretium in fundorum venditione reservato. Wittenberg 1770
  8. Prog. De quaestione: num legatarius heredem ex testamento processu executivo convenire queat? Wittenberg 1705


  • Johann Georg Meusel : Lexicon of the German writers who died from 1750 to 1800. Vol. 12 p. 247

Individual evidence

  1. Died loud Wittenberg Book of the Dead in 1786 (page 703), not 1787
  2. genealogical data from: Till von Egidy: The ancestors of the families von Egidy and von Koppenfels, list of ancestors for the brothers Holm, Hans and Max von Egidy in: Studies on Culture and History, Volume 2, editors: Lars-Arne Dannenberg and Matthias Donath , Publishing Center for Culture // History, Niederjahna 2016
  3. ^ Wittenbergsches Wochenblatt zum Aufaufnahme der Naturkunde und des Wirtschafts Gewerbes, Volume 7, 1774, digitized version on Google Books, p. 371
  4. His genealogy in the article Johann Paul Schröter in the Stadtwiki Dresden
  5. His genealogy in the article Gottlieb August Freiherr von Gutschmid in the Dresden City Wiki