Friedrich Bopparder

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Friedrich Bopparder (* around 1460 in Valwig ; † March 21, 1519 in Karden ) was a vicar , scholaster and collegiate dean in the collegiate monastery of St. Castor (Karden) .


In 1485 Bopparder studied in Cologne and in 1486 he received his canonical for the collegiate monastery of St. Castor in Karden from Pope Innocent VIII . On May 15, 1505, after the death of Dean Ludwig Perit , Friedrich Bopparder ( Bopperter ) von Valwig was in the chapter house of 10 capitular canons present in the presence of the capitulars Bartholomäus Glockner and Johann von Kehrig ( Kerich ) in the mode of compromise ( per mixtam viam videlicet compromissi ) elected the new dean of St. Castor in Karden.

The result of the election was then sent to Rome for confirmation by the chapter of the monastery. However - even though the election was based on an apostolic indult - Pope Julius II refused to confirm the result without giving the reasons for it. Instead of him, Hermann Fomelen ( Foemelen, Femelen ) cleric of the Paderborn diocese was appointed Dean of Münstermaifeld on June 25, 1506 . In order to help Hermann Fomelen earn an income, Pope Julius II appointed dignitaries (Catholic dignitaries) of the St. Gereon, Cologne , St. Kastor, Koblenz and St. Simeon, Trier monasteries as curators on September 10, 1507 .

However, the St. Kastor Abbey in Karden resisted and refused to introduce Fomelen into his office. On July 13, 1508, Friedrich Bopparder and Johann Incus paid an amount of 100 guilders for themselves and for their fellow canons to the dean of St. Kastor as the conservator of Hermann Fomelen, but the interpretation of this gesture is unclear. Either the payment should serve as severance pay after Fomelen's declaration of unilateral resignation from his position as dean in Karden, or it should be understood as a sign of goodwill not to let the circumstances escalate into a dispute.

When in 1516, after Johann Pfaffenhagen's resignation, a new head of the collegiate school became necessary, Friedrich Bopparder stood again for another election and was elected as the new scholaster , who from then on paid his predecessor an annual pension of 12 ducats . In the register of the dead it was later recorded that Bopparder paid special attendance fees to canons and vicars who took part in the vigil officers of Easter and Pentecost and left numerous foundations in the churches of Karden, Müden , Cond , Valwig , Hambuch and Ernst .


  • Alfons Friderichs (Ed.): Bopparder, Friedrich. In: Personalities of the Cochem-Zell District, Kliomedia, Trier 2004, ISBN 3-89890-084-3 , p. 55.
  • Germania Sacra, New Episode 19, The Dioceses of the Church Province of Trier, The Archdiocese of Trier, The St. Kastor Abbey in Karden on the Moselle, edited on behalf of the Max Planck Institute for History by Ferdinand Pauly, Verlag Walter de Gruyter Berlin New York 1986, Friedrich Bopparder p. 207 331.

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Individual evidence

  1. Former collegiate monastery and collegiate church St. Castor, Karden (Treis-Karden)