Friedrich Dettweiler

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Friedrich Dettweiler (born August 28, 1864 in Bindsachsen , Hesse ; † May 9, 1939 at Reichenberg Castle (Odenwald) ) was a German animal breeder .


Dettweiler was a son of the domain tenant Christian Dettweiler. The family belonged to the Mennonites . After graduating from high school in Mainz in 1883, Dettweiler worked on various estates for six years. In 1886 he became active in the Corps Hansea Bonn . In 1889 he became the first assistant at the General Secretariat of the Central Agricultural Association for Rhenish Prussia . In 1893 he went as a secretary to the Association of Baden Agricultural Consumers , Karlsruhe. In 1893 he leased the Gieshügel University Estate near Würzburg. After a theoretical training in Poppelsdorf and Gießen , he became a qualified agricultural teacher. From 1899 to 1903 he was animal breeding inspector in Darmstadt .

From 1903 he studied biology , agricultural sciences and economics at the TH Darmstadt , the Friedrichs University Halle and the University of Rostock . In 1905 he was in Rostock with one of Richard Ehrenberg supervised dissertation Dr. phil. PhD. In the same year he was appointed state animal breeding inspector for Mecklenburg-Schwerin. In 1908 he qualified as a lecturer in animal production. As a private lecturer , he went to the First World War in 1914 . In 1920 he was one of the Rostock lecturers who actively supported the Kapp Putsch . The University of Rostock appointed him non-scheduled (not paid) associate professor in 1921 . After a study trip, he stayed in Turkey from 1923 as a tour guide and tenant of various properties . In 1924 he renounced the Rostock Venia legendi . In 1928 he returned to Germany. He lived as a reindeer for eleven years.



  • The German goat. Description of goat breeding in Germany based on surveys by the German Agricultural Society . Berlin 1902.
  • The Simmenthalers and their breed . Leipzig 1902.
  • with Karl Müller: Textbook of pig breeding. Physique, strokes, breeding, use and keeping of the pig . Berlin 1924.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corp lists 1960, 11/283
  2. a b Rostock professor catalog
  3. Entry in the Rostock matriculation portal
  4. Dissertation: The agricultural worker conditions in the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. The manual labor on the farm .
  5. Habilitation thesis: Contributions to the breeding and rearing of cattle together with surveys on the methods and costs of rearing individual fields .
  6. ^ Günter Heidorn (ed.): History of the University of Rostock 1419-1969. Rostock 1969, p. 174
  7. Grand Ducal Mecklenburg-Schwerin State Calendar 1916, p. 314