Friedrich Maier (politician)

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Friedrich Maier (* 29. December 1894 in Karlsruhe , † 14. December 1960 in Freiburg ) was a German politician of the SPD . As a member of the Parliamentary Council , he was one of the "fathers" of the Basic Law .

Life and work

After attending secondary school , Maier completed the teachers' seminar and became an elementary school teacher in Mannheim and later in Gengenbach . From 1914 he took part in the First World War. After the war, he was a primary and secondary school teacher in Mannheim from 1919 to 1938. He joined the SPD in 1920 and became a member of the Socialist Workers 'Youth and district youth leader of the Workers' Sports and Gymnastics Association and a member of the board of the Association of Social Democratic Teachers.

Maier worked as a freelance journalist for the newspapers "Mannheimer Volksstimme" and the " Neue Badische Landeszeitung ". After the National Socialist seizure of power he was harassed several times and in 1937 classified as "politically unreliable" by the Nazi district leadership in Mannheim. In 1938 he was transferred from Mannheim to the elementary school in Gengenbach near Offenburg, where he was appointed school principal in 1947. From 1939 he was obliged to do military service .

Career after World War II

After the Second World War, Friedrich Maier founded the Gengenbach local association of the Social Democratic Party. Maier was a member of the Baden state constitution-making assembly in 1946 and then from 1947 to 1951 a member of the state parliament in Baden. In 1948/49 he was the only representative of the Baden SPD in the Parliamentary Council .

In 1947 he moved to the Ministry of the Interior of Baden as a ministerial advisor . He was a member of the German Bundestag as a member of the SPD state list from its first election in 1949 until his death in 1960. From 1949 to 1957 he was chairman of the Bundestag committee for matters of internal administration, from 1957 of the interior committee , in 1953 also of the electoral law committee.

In the 1950s he was at times deputy state chairman of the SPD in Baden.

From 1953 until his death he headed the internal politics working group of the SPD parliamentary group.

Offices and memberships

Since 1924 he was a member of the Freemasons' Association and held the office of Master of the Chair there . Since 1949 he was a member of the German Council of the European Movement .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Friedrich Maier curriculum vitae. by Prof. Dr. Erhard HM Lange: On the website of the Federal Agency for Civic Education (pbp) (accessed on August 15, 2016)
