Axel Wernitz

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Axel Wernitz (born April 17, 1937 in Königsberg , East Prussia ) is a German politician ( SPD ).


After attending elementary school in Wolferstadt and graduating from secondary school in Nördlingen in 1958 , Wernitz began studying economics , history and journalism at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg , which he graduated with a degree in business administration. In 1966 he was awarded the dissertation Social Democratic and Communist Concepts of Socialization. An investigation into the German social history of the 19th and 20th centuries for Dr. rer. pole. PhD .

Wernitz joined the SPD in 1958. He was chairman of the SPD sub-district of Northern Swabia and a board member of the SPD district of southern Bavaria. From 1970 to 1972 he was a member of the Bavarian State Parliament for the constituency of Swabia and then from 1972 to 1994 a member of the German Bundestag . He was always elected via the Bavarian state list. In the Bundestag he was chairman of the interior committee from 1976 to 1987 .

In 1985 Wernitz was awarded the Bul le Mérite .


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