Friedrich Nather

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Friedrich Nather (born April 7, 1924 in Freudenthal , Moravian-Silesia , † April 14, 2009 in Oberstaufen , Bavaria ) was a German civil engineer .

Nather studied civil engineering at the technical universities in Vienna and Karlsruhe and graduated with honors in 1949. He then held managerial positions at companies in the steel construction industry, initially at Dortmunder Union Brückenbau AG and Schäfer in Ludwigshafen. Finally he came to the Hünnebeck group of companies as managing director .

Because of his publications on steel construction and his groundbreaking design proposals in cable-stayed bridge construction and falsework construction, he was appointed to the chair for steel construction at the Technical University of Munich in 1977 , which he held until his retirement in 1992. Gert Albrecht was appointed Nather's successor .



Individual evidence

  1. Friedrich Nather, biography and obituary (PDF)
  2. ^ Friedrich Nather, Joachim Lindner , Robert Hertle: Handbuch des Gerüstbau . Berlin: Ernst & Sohn, ISBN 978-3-433-01323-6 .

Web links