Friedrich Wilhelm von Bergholz

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Georg Christoph Grooth : Friedrich Wilhelm von Bergholz (1742)

Friedrich Wilhelm von Bergholz (* 1699 in Holstein ; † 1765 or 1771 in Wismar ) was a Holstein chamberlain who was chamberlain of the future Russian Tsar Peter III from 1739 to 1746 . was.


Friedrich Wilhelm von Bergholz was the son of the Holstein officer Wilhelm Bergholtz , who had entered Russian service as major general in 1709, so that he had already spent part of his childhood in Russia. He entered the service of the Duchy of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorf as a chamberlain in 1717 .

In April 1721 he received, according to his own account in Paris, by the advice of Clausenheim from Hamburg, the order of Duke Carl Friedrich von Holstein-Gottorf to follow him to Russia via Riga . Carl Friedrich had in 1720 by the Treaty of Frederiksborg , of the Great Northern War ended between Denmark and Sweden, his ducal areas in Schleswig lost and was only Duke of imperial fiefdom Holstein-Gottorf, he that his residence from Gottorf in the Kieler Schloss had misplaced. Henning Friedrich von Bassewitz , then President of the Privy Council of Holstein-Gottorf , tried to marry the young Carl Friedrich to one of the tsar's daughters, so that the duke could win back Schleswig from Denmark with the help of the tsar and receive support for gaining the Swedish throne. This was achieved when, in November 1724, a marriage contract between Anna Petrovna , daughter of Peter I , was signed. The chamberlain Bergholz accompanies this period of marriage in Russia until 1725 in his detailed diary , where he remained as a Holstein court official until 1727.

After the death of Duke Carl Friedrich, he returned to Russia in 1742 as Lord Chamberlain of Duke Karl Peter Ulrich as the Russian heir to the throne and then retired in 1746, which he spent in Wismar, then Sweden. A writing addressed to him by the Rector of the Great City School in Wismar Johann Daniel Denso about the Lisbon earthquake in 1755 has survived from 1756 . He died in 1765, and according to recent research, possibly not until 1771.




  • Friedrich Wilhelm Bergholz. The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd edition 1970–1979. The Gale Group, Inc., accessed February 15, 2019 ( digitized version )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Elizabeth Clara Sander: Social Dancing in Peter the Great's Russia: Observations by Holstein Nobleman Friedrich Wilhelm von Bergholz, 1721 to 1725 , Hildesheim 2007;