Friedrich von Hellwald

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Friedrich von Hellwald
Friedrich von Hellwald

Friedrich Anton Heller von Hellwald (born March 29, 1842 in Padua ; † November 1 , 1892 in Cannstatt ) was an Austrian cultural historian , publicist and editor.

life and work

Friedrich von Hellwald was the son of the Austrian military historian Friedrich Jakob Heller ; his mother was Polish. At the age of 16 (1858) he entered the military as a cadet. Despite the prospect of a career, he quit in 1864 so that he could devote himself entirely to his studies.

After taking part in the Austro-Prussian War of 1866, he worked as secretary of the Austrian Alpine Club and initially got a job in Vienna as an editor at Streuffler's Austrian military magazine . This activity ended as early as 1868, but Hellwald published even later in the magazine's literary sheet (advertisement of new publications) (1871). At that time he was working in the office of the Austrian Minister of War Franz Kuhn von Kuhnenfeld .

On January 1, 1872, Hellwald was appointed editor-in-chief in Stuttgart- Cannstatt to join the editorial team of the weekly newspaper Das Ausland published by the renowned Cotta'sche publishing house . After leaving Vienna he remained connected to the local kk geographical society and continued to give lectures there; From 1880 he also published Hölder's Geographical Youth and People's Library , which was published in Vienna. He also published regularly in Austrian newspapers and magazines, in particular in the Wiener Zeitung and the Oesterreichische Monatsschrift für den Orient . However, the Leipzig magazine Our Time and the Berlin Deutsche Rundschau also regularly published articles by Hellwald.

In Stuttgart Hellwald soon made himself unpopular as a vehement proponent of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution and had to resign from his position as chief editor abroad at the end of 1881 . While he was still working as an editor, a curious incident occurred in Stuttgart on August 31, 1880, which was reported in the German press. The Danish hypnotist Carl Hansen visited the city and tried out his art on several people, but only had success with Friedrich von Hellwald.

After 1882 Hellwald lived mainly from the sale of his books, and the ethnologist Richard Andree later remarked that Hellwald had to be protected from negative and one-sided judgments because he was "dependent on the earnings of his pen", and "there he has some work for the sake of the bread, which he would certainly have omitted without such compulsion. "

In addition to his advocacy of Charles Darwin and his German supporter Ernst Haeckel , Friedrich von Hellwald became known nationwide, primarily through his country descriptions and his cultural history (1875). In his popular science books he vigorously advocated the racial Darwinist direction of anthropology, according to which there are peoples who must become extinct and therefore should also be exterminated, for example the Native Americans , the South African Khoisans and the Australian Aborigines . Compared with other racial ideologists of his time he takes an extreme position, what the popularity and spread of his books in the German- educated middle class seems to have but not harmed. The works - especially the cultural history and the earth and its peoples - achieved several editions in a few years. In scientific circles, especially among university geographers and ethnologists, Hellwald has not received undivided recognition. Many of his views were controversial, and many of his writings appeared too popular, impressionistic, or superficial; at most, its positive role in imparting knowledge to society was generally appreciated. In an essay on the development of ethnographic research during the second half of the 19th century, which appeared in the communications of the kk geographical society in Vienna in 1898 , there was nothing more to be read about Hellwald than that he "through his more popular [!] Works have done much for the dissemination of ethnographic knowledge.

Hellwald was already struggling with illness in the 1880s and had to cancel lectures. His one year younger brother Ferdinand (1843-1884), columnist and most recently secretary of the Order of Malta in Rome, died in June 1884 of a lung disease. Friedrich himself lived in Tölz from 1887 . There he died of a spinal cord disease on November 1, 1892, at the age of only 50.




  • 1869ː "The Moor and Forest Fires in Northern Europe". In the communications of the kk geographical society in Vienna . Volume XII (NF 2), No. 3 (1869), pp. 182-184
  • 1870ː "Review ofː Tunis. A picture from North African life. Prague 1870", Inː Mittheilungen of the kk geographical society in Vienna . Volume XIII (NF 3) (1870), p. 271 f.
  • 1871ː "On colonies and the Dutch colonies in the East Indies in particular". In the communications of the kk geographical society in Vienna . Volume XIV (NF 4) (1870), pp. 113-131; 209-244
  • 1871ː "Sweden's Army and Reform Project". In Streffleur's Austrian Military Journal , Vol. 12, Volume II (1871), pp. 227–240; Volume III (1871), pp. 133-142
  • 1873ː "The dispute over the race prussienne. Ethnological studies on northern Europe". Inː abroad . , No. 5 (February 3, 1875), pp. 88-94; No. 6, 105-109; No. 8, pp. 152-158
  • 1873ː "The Colonial System of the Dutch in the East Indies", Inː The Abroad . No. 7 (February 17, 1873), pp. 124-129
  • 1873ː "Among the Singsu". Inː Wiener Abendpost . Supplement to the Wiener Zeitung . No. 167 (July 22, 1873), pp. 1333 f.
  • 1873ː "The latest research by the Russians in Mongolia". Inː Wiener Abendpost. Supplement to the Wiener Zeitung . 196 (August 26, 1873), pp. 1564-1566; No. 97, p. 1572 f.
  • 1874ː "The polar research of the present". Inː Deutsche Rundschau , Volume I (1874), pp. 263–286
  • 1875ː "The International Congress of Geographical Sciences in Paris". Inː Wiener Abendpost. Supplement to the Wiener Zeitung . No. 203 (September 4, 1875), p. 4 f.
  • 1875ː "New Writings on Turkey". Inː Deutsche Rundschau , Volume V (1875), pp. 310-314
  • 1876ː "Modern Japan. III. IV.". In our time. German review of the present . NF, 12th year (Leipzig 1876), pp. 96-114; Pp. 284-302
  • 1876ː "A Look at Cashmere". Inː Oesterreichische Monatsschrift für den Orient , Volume I, No. 7 (July 15, 1876), pp. 100-103
  • 1876ː "A Spaniard's Studies on Spiritual Movement in Germany". Inː Deutsche Rundschau , Volume VI (1876), p. 135
  • 1876ː "New Writings on the News of Africa". Inː Deutsche Rundschau , Volume VI (1876), pp. 140–147
  • 1876ː "The status of the most recent excavations in Rome". Inː Deutsche Rundschau , Volume VIII (1876), pp. 357–374
  • 1878ː "A View of East Turkestan". Inː Oesterreichische Monatsschrift für den Orient , Volume IV, No. 10 (October 15, 1878), pp. 85–90
  • 1878ː "Contemporary Africa Research". In our time. German review of the present . NF, Volume 14 (Leipzig 1878), pp. 15-37; 269-295
  • 1878ː "Variations on the themeː" Science and its teaching is freeǃ "". Inː Kosmos , 1st vol. Volume II (Leipzig 1878), pp. 172–180 ThULB Jena
  • 1880ː "Ethnographic from the South Seas". Inː Wiener Abendpost. Supplement to the Wiener Zeitung . No. 243 (October 21, 1880), pp. 1 f .; No. 244, p. 2 f.
  • 1881ː "The Giljak people in East Siberia". In Oesterreichische Monatsschrift für den Orient , Volume VII, No. 11 (November 15, 1881), pp. 171–173
  • 1883ː "On the Tonkin Question". Inː Oesterreichische Monatsschrift für den Orient , Volume IX, No. 8 (August 15, 1883), pp. 133-139
  • 1884ː "The Current State of the Tonkin Question". In ː Austrian Monthly Journal for the Orient , Volume X, No. 1 (January 15, 1884), pp. 11-18
  • 1890ː "The antiquities of the Khmer in Cambodia". In Oesterreichische Monatsschrift für den Orient , Volume XVI, No. 8 (August 1890), pp. 116–119
  • 1891ː "In the land of the Laotians" ː Inː Oesterreichische Monatsschrift für den Orient , Volume XVII, No. 1 (January 1891), pp. 33–36
  • 1891ː "Land und Volk der Kurds" ː Inː Austrian Monthly Journal for the Orient , Volume XVII, No. 1 (January 1891), pp. 119–122
  • 1892ː "Dr. Höfler's research on folk medicine and superstition in the Isarwinkel". Inː Globus , Volume 61 (1892), pp. 221–223 digi-hub Berlin


  • 1866 The American Great Migration. A study . Viennaː A. Holzhausen
  • 1869ː Maximilian I, Emperor of Mexico. His life, work and death, with an outline of the history of the empire . 2 parts. Wienː Wilhelm Braumüller (already advertised as available in the German-language press from October 1868)
  • 1871 Sebastian Cabot. Lecture given on May 17, 1870 in the kk geografische Gesellschaft zu Wien . Berlinː CG Lüderitz
  • 1872ː Over colonies and over the Dutch settlements in East India in particular. A contribution to the Dutch colonial question . Viennaː LW Seidel - Amsterdamː Fred. Muller
  • 1873ː The Russians in Central Asia . A Study of the Latest Geography and History of Central Asia . Augsburg: AF Butsch
    • English editionː The Russians in Central Asia. A Critical Examination down to the Present Time of the Geography and History of Central Asia . Translated by Theodore Wirgman. Londonː Henry S. King & Co. 1874
  • 1875ː Central Asia . Landscapes and peoples in Kashgar, Turkestan, Kashmir and Tibet. Leipzig: Spamer, 1875. Second edition 1880 udT Centralasien. Central Asian landscapes, peoples and states
  • 1875ː Cultural history in its natural development up to the present day. Augsburg: Lampart & Comp.
    • Second, revised and much enlarged edition 1876 udT Cultural history in its natural development up to the present . 2 volumes. Augsburgː Lampart & Comp.
    • Fourth edition udT cultural history in its natural development up to the present day ː Leipzigː P. Friesenhain 1896
  • 1876 Oscar Peschel. His life and work . Augsburgː Lampart & Comp. Second edition 1880 (on October 23, 1875, Hellwald gave the commemorative speech at a memorial service for the geographer Oscar Peschel, who had died two months ago )
  • 1876ː The earth and its peoples. A geographic house book. Stuttgart: Francke 1876. Second, unchanged edition 1878; fourth edition 1893; plus translations into other languages.
  • 1876ː Rear Indian countries and peoples. Travels in the Irawaddy and Mekong river basins; in Annam, Cambodia and Siam. Edited using the latest sources. Leipzigː O. Spamer. Second, increased edition 1880.
  • 1877ː The earth and its peoples. A geographic manual. 2 volumes. Stuttgartː W. Spemann
    • Volume 1 America - The Atlantic Ocean - Africa
  • 1877ː Turkey in the fight with Russia , Augsburgː Lampart & Comp.
  • 1878ː The transformation of the Orient as a cultural question . Augsburgː Lampart & Comp.
  • 1878 (together with Ludwig C. Beck) ː Today's Turkey (= Otto Spamer's Illustrated Library of Countries and Ethnology to expand knowledge of foreigners ). 2 volumes. Leipzigː O. Spamer. Second edition in 2 volumes 1882.
    • 1. Volume Pictures and descriptions from all parts of the Ottoman Empire in Europe
    • Volume 2 The Ottoman Empire in Asia
    • 3rd volume (planned) Egypt and the northern edge of Africa (not published)
  • 1880ː Central Asia . Central Asian landscapes, peoples and states . Leipzigː O. Spamer (= The New Book of Travel and Discoveries. Otto Spamer's Illustrated Library of Countries and Ethnology )
  • 1880ː The prehistoric man. Origin and development of the human race. Second, completely revised edition Leipzigː O. Spamer
  • 1881ː In the eternal ice. History of the North Pole journeys from the oldest times to the present. With numerous illustrations and maps . Stuttgartː JG Cotta
    • Swedish editionː I Höga Norden eller Nordpolforskningarna från äldsta till närvarande tider . Stockholmː P. Palmquist
  • 1882 (?) (Together with Richard Oberländer) ː Holland and Denmark. Country and people with special consideration of legend and history, literature and art . Leipzigː F. Hirt no year (= Nordland trips IV)
  • 1882ː natural history of man. Illustrated by F. Keller-Leuzinger. Stuttgart: W. Spemann
    • Volume 1 Australia - The Peoples of America
    • Volume 2 Africa - Asia
  • 1885 America in words and pictures . A portrayal of the United States . Leipzigː Heinrich Schmidt & Carl Günther
  • 1885ː Bibliography méthodique de l'Ordre souv. De S t .Jean de Jérusalem . Romː Imprimerie Polyglotte de la Propagande
  • 1885–1887ː The wide world. Travel and research in all parts of the world, a geographical yearbook. Published by Friedrich von Hellwald. Berlin and Stuttgart: Verlag von W. Spemann, 1885–1887
  • 1887ː France. The country and its people. Its history, geography, administration, trade, industry and production . Leipzigː Heinrich Schmidt & Carl Günther
  • 1888ː House and farm in their development with reference to the habits of the peoples . Leipzigː Heinrich Schmidt & Carl Günther
  • 1889ː The human family according to its origin and natural development. Leipzigː Ernst Günther
  • 1890ː The world of the Slavs . Second edition. Berlinː General Association for German Literature
  • 1891ː Ethnographic knight jumps . Cultural and folk-historical pictures and sketches . Leipzigː Carl Reissner

Introductions, miscellaneous

  • 1874ː The prehistoric man. Origin and development of the human race. For educated people of all classes. Started by Wilhelm Baer. After his death with the assistance of Professor Dr. H. Schaaffhausen completed and edited by Friedrich von Hellwald . Leipzigː O. Spamer
  • 1876ː John H. Beckerː The Hundred Years Republic. Social and Political Conditions in the United States of North America. With an introduction by Friedrich von Hellwald . Augsburgː Lampart & Comp.
  • 1878 Amand Frhr. v. Schweiger-Lerchenfeldː Armenia. A picture of its nature and its inhabitants. Appendix An Anatolian Fragments. With a foreword by Friedrich von Hellwald . Jenaː Hermann Costenoble
  • 1881 JC Van den Bergː De Werelddellen works after Friedrich von Hellwald's the earth and its people . 2 volumes. Haarlemː JM Schalkamp
  • 1888 M. Höflerː Folk medicine and superstition in Upper Bavaria's present and past. With a foreword by Friedrich von Hellwald . Munichː Ernst Stahl
  • 1901 Correspondence between Ernst Haeckel and Friedrich von Hellwald, with a foreword by Ernst Haeckel . Ulmː H. Kerler


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Report on the Internal Affairs of Geographical Society in 1871 . In: Communications from the Imperial and Royal Geographic Society in Vienna . XV (NF 5). Vienna 1872, p. 39 .
  2. See the report in The Fatherland. Newspaper for the Austrian Monarchy , No. 248 (September 7, 1880), p. 5ː “Several of the most renowned doctors in Stuttgart (...) submitted to Hansen's experiments, but did not react to his magnetizing strokes and other manipulations. On the other hand, Hansen found an excellent medium in the well-known Africa traveler Friedrich von Hellwald. He made him completely rigid, put his head and feet on two chairs and sat on the body, which was floating without any further points of support. Hansen was unable to take away his consciousness and especially his memory, although the desired answers were given only hesitantly and with great difficulty. Hellwald later stated that he had to muster all his energy to be able to give an answer at all. Attempts with other people to provoke any delusions in them do not succeed Hansen. "
  3. ^ Andree 1892 (obituary), p. 350
  4. ^ Andreas W. Daum: Science popularization in the 19th century. Civil culture, scientific education and the German public, 1848–1914 . Oldenbourg, Munich 2002, ISBN 978-3-486-56551-5 , pp. 399 f., 419, 458, 492 .
  5. ^ Franz Heger: "The development of ethnographic research in the years 1848–1898" . In: Mittheilungen der kais. geographical society in Vienna . tape XLI . Vienna 1898, p. 71-82, here p. 77 .
  6. (Message from the Oriental Museum, Vienna) . In: Wiener Zeitung . No. 46 , February 27, 1883, p. 3 .
  7. (Advertisement by the bookseller Wilhelm Braumüller, Vienna) . In: Wiener Zeitung . No. 247 , October 18, 1868, p. 223 .
  8. (press and book trade) . In: Illustrirte Zeitung . tape 51 , no. 1323 . Leipzig November 7, 1868, p. 323 .
  9. (report from Augsburg) . In: Journal of the German and Austrian Alpine Club . tape VI . Munich 1875, p. 47 .