Friedrich von Wallenrode

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Friedrich von Wallenrode († July 15, 1410 in the Battle of Tannenberg ) was Commander and Supreme Marshal of the Teutonic Order .


Friedrich von Wallenrode came from the Franconian noble family of Wallenrode and was the brother of the Grand Master of the Teutonic Order Konrad von Wallenrode . Bishop Johannes von Wallenrode was his nephew.

Konrad von Wallenrode formed the new Ryne Commandery in 1393 , Friedrich von Wallenrode was the first Commander. From 1396 he acted as Commander of Strasburg . In 1404 he was appointed Commander of Mewe and in 1407 by the new Grand Master Ulrich von Jungingen as Supreme Marshal and Commander of Königsberg .

During the campaign in the summer of 1410, the Order Marshal commanded the advance guard of the Order's army on the advance towards Soldau and Kauernick. In the battle of Tannenberg he commanded the left wing of the order's army. There he opened the fighting with the initially successful counterattack against the attacking Lithuanians under Vytautas , in which the units under his command dispersed while pursuing the defeated enemy.

It can no longer be proven whether the order marshal consciously made this tactical error or insubordination occurred. He fell in battle.


Contemporary chronicles

Source editions

Classical specialist literature



Individual evidence

  1. Dieter Zimmerling: Der Deutsche Ritterorden , p. 252.
  2. Dieter Zimmerling: Der Deutsche Ritterorden, p. 252.
  3. Description of the flags and also of the war events of 1410/11, around 1448. A conditionally timely representation of the events; the record was not made until 38 years later after oral tradition from a participant in the battle. Despite various heraldic errors in the descriptions of the individual banners (flags) , it is precisely the merit of this work to have passed down a description of the banners used in battle in the form of images up to our time