Friesland: Out of control

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Episode of the series Friesland
Original title Out of control
Country of production Germany
original language German
length 89 minutes
classification Episode 10 ( list )
First broadcast February 29, 2020 on ZDF
Director Martina Plura
script Magdalena Grazewicz ,
Thomas Gerhold
music Daniel Hoffknecht
camera Monika Plura
cut Tobias Haas

←  Predecessor
Hand and Foot

Out of control is a German television film by Martina Plura from 2020. It is the tenth episode of the television series Friesland .


The charity regatta in women's rowing of the rowing society Leer is imminent, and Commissioner Brockhorst is looking forward to beating the Wilhelmshaven team with his team from Leer. But during a training race, the police rower Claudia Bock suddenly falls into the water and dies of heart failure. Insa Scherzinger finds an overdose of amphetamines in Claudia's blood. Claudia was known for her uncompromisingly meticulous, correct manner and therefore not particularly popular, only Brockhorst had a special connection with her. Nobody can imagine that she doped on purpose, so murder is under investigation.

The investigation begins at the rowing company's training center. Cassens is surprised to meet his former classmate Karen Schröter, who works as a trainer for the club. He makes a few unsuccessful advances. Insa persuades Brockhorst to hire her pro forma as a chemical-technical assistant so that she can take Claudia's place in the police boat with the water police officer Julia Waller. In Claudia's locker in the club, Insa finds a note with Cyrillic inscription. Later, in the practice of the physiotherapist Tobias Scholz, she noticed a stack of cardboard boxes, also with Cyrillic labels. In the training center, puzzling capsules are swallowed. She steals a glass of the capsules, but only finds harmless vitamins in it, albeit in a dosage that is not approved in Germany.

Cassens finds a flyer from a mill shop in Claudia's office and meets Claudia's sister Susanne, the owner of the mill shop, who seems unaffected by the news of her death. She has not had any contact with Claudia for years and only knows that she once worked in the Emden veterinary office. Surprisingly, Insa was able to establish contact with him there, a former civil servant there owed her a favor. He remembers that Claudia was involved in a decree that drove many mussel fishermen to ruin.

A photo of both Bock sisters from the previous year appears, so Susanne's claim is wrong. The fact that the sisters fell out over the parental mill gives Susanne a strong motive for murder - she inherits her sister's share and can keep her shop. After a short chase, Susanne is intercepted on the way on vacation, but she protests her innocence and can show an alibi for the time of the crime.

The top rower Lucas Wilken suddenly collapses in the training center and is tested positive for amphetamines in the hospital. He says he only took the expensive vitamin pills from Claudia's locker, which she no longer needs. Insa finds amphetamines in Claudia's capsules in considerably different doses. Scholz's cardboard boxes are now being confiscated and examined with the result that he is importing the amphetamines along with the vitamin pills from Russia. The amphetamine capsules are specially marked, but this marking is missing on Claudia's capsules. She (like Lucas later) was convinced that she only swallowed vitamins. Somebody must have transferred the contents of the capsules.

Scholz is arrested on suspicion of murder and heavily incriminates Claudia in his testimony. She found out about the illegal vitamin preparations and blackmailed him into importing amphetamines the same way, which she then sold lucratively. Your leverage - a USB stick with accounting data from Scholz's practice - is found, which confirms Scholz's statement and finally also convinces Brockhorst that Claudia was not an innocent victim.

Cassens follows his last lead and questions the mussel fishermen. He learns that one of the bankrupt fishermen has taken his own life and is shown his picture, along with his daughter - it is Karen Schröter. Confronted with this, Karen confesses to him that she wanted to punish Claudia for her father's death. She knew about Claudia's doping trade and wanted to put her in the cold with a positive doping test. Claudia's heart defect, which made the dose fatal, was unknown to her. When Cassens tries to arrest her, she knocks him down and first threatens him with his service weapon, then she wants to shoot herself, but is prevented from doing so by Insa and Brockhorst, who, after a comment from Lucas, came to the solution at the same time.

Because of the attempted murder of a police officer, Brockhorst was able to cordon off the area and cancel the regatta, which he was glad about, because it soon became clear that a boat with Insa would have no chance against Wilhelmshaven.


Süher Özlügül is in training and only appears in a short opening scene. Actress Sophie Dal was pregnant while filming.


Audience ratings

The first broadcast on February 29, 2020 won the ratings on Saturday with 6.79 million viewers, which corresponds to a market share of 21.7%. Of the 14 to 49 year old viewers, 10.3 percent tuned in.


Tilmann P. Gangloff is not very enthusiastic about : “The crime thriller babbles calmly and slowly and in parts is simply boring. Plura also managed to lead the actors much better in her earlier films. […] After all, Holger Stockhaus, the undertaker, who is struggling with the online rating of his institute, has some nice scenes, especially with Katrin Röver as the victim's sister, but the gags seem too often too hard for the other actors […] The most beautiful and only really original idea of ​​the film is the urn designed as a rowboat for the murder victim. " sees it similarly : “However, there is no real tension, because apart from a scene in which Insa locks herself in a locker in the rowing club during her investigation, there is hardly any chase or the final in which the perpetrator is identified Highlights. The investigation is bobbing around and in addition to insights into Henk's or Insa's progress, one tries to loosen up the course of the film with subplots. For example, with the undertaker Wolfgang Habedank (Holger Stockhaus), who simply falsifies Internet applications [ sic , meaning reviews] in order to advertise his company. In addition to these successful laughs, there are also gags that appear much too forced and sucked out. "

Harald Keller disagrees in the Frankfurter Rundschau : "In the tenth film in the ZDF series" Friesland ", the strengths of the series are emphasized and amusing details are lovingly embedded. [...] The capital of the series remains the passionate casual detective Insa Scherzinger never boring to watch her mischievously wrapping the grouchy Brockhorst around her finger, searching out suspects with cunning and charm or even getting herself into murderous trouble. "

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Sophie Dal is missing from the new "Friesland" thriller because of maternity leave. Retrieved August 25, 2020 .
  2. «Friesland» vs. "Small against big": duel with two winners. March 1, 2020, accessed on March 8, 2020 (German).
  3. An (anniversary) episode to be missed , accessed on March 2, 2020
  4. , accessed on March 2, 2020
  5. With sportsmanship in the murder investigation. February 29, 2020, accessed March 14, 2020 .