Géraud de Salles

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Géraud de Salles or Gerald von Salles (* around 1055 in Salles near Bergerac ; † April 20, 1120 in the monastery of Les Châtelliers ) was a regular canon and hermit , who, however, was active as a traveling preacher and monastery founder in the last years of his life in the west and southwest of France .


Géraud de Salles came from a religious family: his brother Grimoald made it up to the abbot of the Abbey of Notre Dame von Alleuds founded by Géraud and to the bishop of Poitiers ; Another brother Foulques lived as a hermit at the Boschaud monastery ( Boscavium ) and was venerated as holy while he was still alive.


Géraud was a pupil of Vitalis von Savigny ; from a young age he led a life as a hermit in the forest of Dalon in the Limousin . With the support of Robert von Arbrissel , his teacher and role model, he founded the Dalon Monastery in Aquitaine with the money from his considerable inheritance and a foundation . This was followed by the founding of more monasteries in the southwest and west of France. Even in the 17th century it is said of him that he ruled his fellow brothers miraculously, namely only through his words and deeds. There was no written rule, but Géraud's sacred and admirable example was her living and spiritual model ...

Foundations of monasteries

Les Châtelliers monastery (photo 1889, demolished 1906)

(some of the following monasteries by Géraud de Salles are not documented)

Male monasteries
  • Tutione Abbey
  • Bibione Abbey


Géraud de Salles was already venerated as saint during his lifetime; however, there was no official canonization by the Holy See . His feast day is April 20th.


Géraud de Salles should not be confused with his predecessor Gerald von Aurillac (around 855–909).


  • Sœur Marie-Odile Lenglet: La biography du Bx Géraud de Sales . In Cîteaux Commentarii cistercienses , Volume 29, 1978, pp. 7-40.
  • Sœur Marie-Odile Lenglet: Un pauvre du Christ, Géraud de Sales dit Saint Giraud , In: Les Amis des monastères , No. 74, 2nd trimester 1988, pp. 15-19.
  • Marcel Berthier: Géraud de Salles, ses fondations monastiques, leur évolution vers l'Ordre cistercien à la fin du XIIe siècle . In: Bulletin de la Société historique et archéologique du Périgord (Périgueux) , Volume 114, 1987, pp. 33-48.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Bonaventure de Saint-Amable: Annales du Limousin . Limoges 1687. (Author's translation)
  2. ↑ Founding of the monastery by Géraud de Salles