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Properties of human protein
Mass / length primary structure 507 amino acids, 54,539 Da
Secondary to quaternary structure multipass (12 TMS) membrane protein
Gene names SLC2A6  ; GLUT6
External IDs
Transporter classification
TCDB 2.A.1.1.88
designation Major facilitator superfamily / glucose transporter
Parent taxon Euteleostomi
human House mouse
Entrez 11182 227659
Ensemble ENSG00000160326 ENSMUSG00000036067
UniProt Q9UGQ3 Q3UDF0
Refseq (mRNA) NM_001145099 NM_001177627
Refseq (protein) NP_001138571 NP_001171098
Gene locus Chr 9: 133.47 - 133.48 Mb Chr 2: 27.02 - 27.03 Mb
PubMed search 11182 227659

GLUT-6 ( glucose transporter type 6 ) ( gene : SLC2A6 or GLUT6 ) is a glucose transporter that is encoded on chromosome 9 in humans . The GLUT6 - mRNA is predominantly in the brain , in the spleen , in the leukocytes in the peripheral blood and in the primordial germ cells of the testis expressed .


GLUT6 was formerly known as GLUT9. In addition, the name "GLUT6" was formerly used for a pseudogene which is derived from GLUT3 and is now known as SLC2A3P1 . The human GLUT6 gene was isolated from white blood cells using the PCR - and RACE-PCR - amplification based on sequence information from Expressed Sequence Tags of the mouse and human genome sequence cloned.



The SLC2A6 gene is located on chromosome 9q34 in humans. It contains ten exons and is 8  kb .


GLUT-6 consists of 507 amino acid residues. The cDNA of human GLUT6 expresses a membrane protein weighing 46 kDa . GLUT-6 has an N -terminal dileucine - motive , which as internalization serves. GLUT-6 is only found on the cell membrane if the N -terminal dileucin motif mutates to alanine or clathrin-mediated endocytosis is blocked by overexpression of a dominant-negative Dynamin mutant.


The transport of hexoses could only be determined by reconstitution in liposomes at a glucose concentration of 5 mM, but not at 1 mM. In addition, GLUT-6 is a weak binding affinity for cytochalasin B on.

Individual evidence

  1. UniProtKB results, View by Taxonomy. In: UniProt. Retrieved November 18, 2019 .
  2. ^ A b Robert Augustin, Eric Mayoux: Mammalian Sugar Transporters. In: Glucose Homeostasis. June 18, 2014, p. 29, doi : 10.5772 / 58325 (Review).
  3. A. Godoy, V. Ulloa, F. Rodríguez, K. Reinicke, AJ Yañez, M. d. García, RA Medina, M. Carrasco, S. Barberis, T. Castro, F. Martínez, X. Koch, JC Vera, MT Poblete, CD Figueroa, B. Peruzzo, F. Pérez, F. Nualart: Differential subcellular distribution of glucose transporters GLUT1-6 and GLUT9 in human cancer: ultrastructural localization of GLUT1 and GLUT5 in breast tumor tissues. In: Journal of cellular physiology. Volume 207, Number 3, June 2006, pp. 614-627, doi : 10.1002 / jcp.20606 , PMID 16523487 .
  4. T. Kayano, CF Burant, H. Fukumoto, GW Gould, YS Fan, RL Eddy, MG Byers, TB Shows, S. Seino, GI Bell: Human facilitative glucose transporters. Isolation, functional characterization, and gene localization of cDNAs encoding an isoform (GLUT5) expressed in small intestine, kidney, muscle, and adipose tissue and an unusual glucose transporter pseudogene-like sequence (GLUT6). In: Journal of Biological Chemistry . Volume 265, Number 22, August 1990, pp. 13276-13282, PMID 1695905 .
  5. a b H. Doege, A. Bocianski, A. Scheepers, H. Axer, J. Eckel, HG Joost, A. Schürmann: Characterization of human glucose transporter (GLUT) 11 (encoded by SLC2A11), a novel sugar-transport facilitator specifically expressed in heart and skeletal muscle. In: The Biochemical journal. Volume 359, Number 2, October 2001, pp. 443-449, doi : 10.1042 / 0264-6021: 3590443 , PMID 11583593 , PMC 1222165 (free full text).
  6. HG Joost, GI Bell, JD Best, MJ Birnbaum, MJ Charron, YT Chen, H. Doege, DE James, HF Lodish, KH Moley, JF Moley, M. Mueckler, S. Rogers, A. Schürmann, S. Seino , B. Thorens: Nomenclature of the GLUT / SLC2A family of sugar / polyol transport facilitators. In: American Journal of Physiology- Endocrinology and Metabolism. Volume 282, Number 4, April 2002, pp. E974-E976, doi : 10.1152 / ajpendo.00407.2001 , PMID 11882521 .
  7. a b H. G. Joost, B. Thorens: The extended GLUT-family of sugar / polyol transport facilitators: nomenclature, sequence characteristics, and potential function of its novel members (review). In: Molecular membrane biology. Volume 18, Number 4, October-December 2001, pp. 247-256, doi : 10.1080 / 09687680110090456 , PMID 11780753 (review).
  8. FQ Zhao, AF Keating: Functional properties and genomics of glucose transporters. In: Current genomics. Volume 8, Number 2, April 2007, pp. 113-128, doi : 10.2174 / 138920207780368187 , PMID 18660845 , PMC 2435356 (free full text).
  9. ^ I. Lisinski, A. Schürmann, HG Joost, SW Cushman, H. Al-Hasani: Targeting of GLUT6 (formerly GLUT9) and GLUT8 in rat adipose cells. In: The Biochemical journal. Volume 358, Number 2, September 2001, pp. 517-522, doi : 10.1042 / 0264-6021: 3580517 , PMID 11513753 , PMC 1222087 (free full text).