GV Subsilvania Sarnen

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The Subsilvania is a Gymnasiale fraternity and the Sarner section of the Swiss Student Association at the college of Obwalden in Sarnen . It wears the colors red-white-green.

Basic data
Canton : Obwalden
School : Cantonal school Obwalden
Founding: 1860
Association: Schw. StV
Abbreviation: SUB!
Motto: semper in summum, numquam retrorsum!
("Always to the max, never back!")
Colours: Boys: red-white-green
Godfather connection: AV Waldstättia , Lucerne
Address: Subsilvania
Cantonal School
6060 Sarnen
Website: www.subsilvania.ch/


Founded in 1860

In the school year 1859/60, some pupils gathered in Sarnen who wanted to found a section of the Swiss Student Union and organized themselves in a literary association called "Ens". On June 30, 1860, the rector gave permission to found a section, and on July 2, 1860, the Sarnen section was officially constituted with new students.

The time until 1887

Thanks to the two members Alois Lochmann and Theodor Wirz, the first few years could be survived happily. After an involuntary suspension in the years 1872/73 and 1874/75, the life of the section flourished ever stronger. The first flag could be consecrated on July 29, 1876, and on July 20, 1882 it could be replaced by the second banner. With the support of the rector, the prefect and the other professors, the relationship with the school was very positive.

The turn of the century

The section, which had not yet had a name of its own, chose the name "Subsilvania" (Latin for Unterwalden) in 1887 on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of Holy Brother Klaus. Respected by numerous academic treatises, the Subsilvania was honored in 1890 by the Central President Anton Augustin with the following words: "The high school sections have an ideal, namely the Subsilvania section". In the period of the 1890s, efforts were made to give the section a more academic look, for example by introducing a comment and purchasing the charging lice.

The third flag could be consecrated on May 28, 1903, and in May 1909, a year too early, the Subsilvania celebrated its 50th anniversary.

The crisis years

The period between 1910 and 1920 was one of the most difficult the section had to face. Through stubborn commentary and excessive externalization, some pages that the Subsilvania had previously maintained were severely neglected. After the outbreak of war, the Subsilvania got into a crisis. On the one hand, almost half of the active people were in military service, on the other hand, a big dispute broke out in Aktivitas over the necessary reform issues. As a result, the Subsilvania was forcibly suspended by the Rector and the Central President in 1915. In 1916 the suspension was lifted, which is why Aktivitas was allowed to try again.

The 20th century

From 1920 the Subsilvania was back to the pre-war level. On the 3rd / 4th June 1928 the fourth flag was inaugurated, and in 1935 the 75th foundation festival was celebrated. But even during this time, a world war suddenly intervened. In 1939 most of the active had to swap their red hats for field gray hats. Nevertheless, the active life could always be upheld even in these difficult times. The social thought came to the fore, and numerous poor families could be visited and given gifts. In 1945 the “first peace Christmas celebration” developed into the annual Christmas celebration, which was renamed the Advent celebration in 1958.

In order to also help the hard-hit foreign corporations, Subsilvania took over the sponsorship of the KTSt.V Alemannia zu Innsbruck, which still exists today. On June 1, 1947, one week after the canonization of the association's patron Brother Klaus, the fifth banner was finally consecrated.

In the 1950s, sporting and social engagement came to the fore. Together with the Angelomontana and the Struthonia, a ski meeting was held in Engeberg in 1953, and a large handball tournament took place in 1959. Every year a St. Nicholas Christmas present was organized in the Sarnen orphanage, and in 1959 the Subsilvania held a holiday camp for poor city children. In the same year, the Subsilvaners were allowed to celebrate the election of their honorary philistine Ludwig von Moos to the Federal Council, not least with the participation of their active boy Flavio Cotti, who later was to achieve this office himself.

With 59 members, Subsilvania started its second century in 1960. Even after the student unrest in 1968, the number of members was at a very high level, in contrast to most of the other sections of the Swiss Student Union. But slowly changes from outside penetrated the Subsilvania. The role of the boarding school slowly diminished in the 1970s. At first, the Subsilvania managed to find a larger part of the candidates among the active around 1980. But within a few years that number collapsed. The changed times had affected the traditional Subsilvania too much to be able to last for a long time under these conditions.

Suspension and new departure

When the boarding school closed in 2000, the last active student also completed his Matura. In the years that followed, the Sarner Section remained silent. Thanks to dedicated advertising, new prospects for the Swiss Student Association at the Sarnen Cantonal School were recruited in the summer of 2006. On November 17, 2006 the reactivation of the Subsilvania took place.

Famous members

In the last century and a half, the Subsilvania played a leading role in Swiss politics through its members, namely within the Christian Democratic People's Party . The following are to be named:

  • Theodor Wirz (1842–1901), parliamentary group president of the CVP Switzerland 1885–1892, president of the Swiss Confederation Council of States 1884/85.
  • Adalbert Wirz (1848–1925), parliamentary group president of CVP Switzerland 1911–1914, founding president of CVP Switzerland 1912–1917, president of the Swiss Confederation's Council of States 1906/07.
  • Walter Amstalden (1883–1966), President of the Swiss Confederation 1935/36.
  • Ludwig von Moos (1910–1990), Federal Councilor of the Confederation from 1960 to 1971.
  • Jost Dillier (1921–2016), President of the Council of States of the Confederation 1981/82.
  • Flavio Cotti (born 1939), President of the CVP 1984–1986, Federal Councilor of the Confederation from 1986 to 1999.
  • Niklaus Küchler (born 1941), President of the Council of States of the Swiss Confederation 1994/95.

See also


  • Johann Hochstrasser: History of the Subsilvania Section [in Sarnen]. Halter-Müller, Giswyl 1896.
  • Luigi Albrecht: History of the Subsilvania for the 50th Anniversary. Ehrli, Sarnen 1909.
  • Josef Erni: History of Subsilvania, Sarnen Section of the Swiss Student Union. Abächerli, Sarnen 1935.
  • Amschwand / Bertrab: Festschrift for flag consecration , June 1, 1947: Subsilvania grammar school association. Ehrli, Sarnen 1947.
  • Subsilvania (ed.): Festschrift for the 100th anniversary of Subsilvania. Landenberg, Sarnen 1960.
  • Leo Ettlin: 125 years of Subsilvania. In: Sarner Kollegi-Chronik , vol. 47, Sarnen 1985.
  • Niklaus von Flüe : 150th anniversary of the Subsilvania student association. In: Obwaldner Brattig , vol. 35 (2010), Abächerli, Sarnen 2009, pp. 109–122;

Web links