Gabriel Peñate Rodríguez

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Gabriel Peñate Rodríguez (born September 27, 1957 in La Esmeralda ) is a Guatemalan priest and emeritus Vicar Apostolic of Izabal .


The Bishop of Jalapa , Miguel Ángel García y Aráuz , ordained him a priest on December 18, 1984 .

On May 21, 2004, Pope John Paul II appointed him Vicar Apostolic of Izabal and Titular Bishop of Succuba . He received his episcopal ordination on August 14th of the same year by the Bishop of Jalapa , Julio Edgar Cabrera Ovalle ; Co- consecrators were Bruno Musarò , Apostolic Nuncio in Guatemala , and Luis María Estrada Paetau OP , Apostolic Vicar Emeritus of Izabal. He resigned from his office on July 26, 2011 for health reasons.

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predecessor Office successor
Luis María Estrada Paetau OP Vicar Apostolic of Izabal
Mario Enrique Ríos Montt CM
Apostolic Administrator