Gabriela Matuszek

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Gabriela Matuszek

Gabriela Matuszek-Stec (born December 31, 1953 in Jaworzno ) is a Polish literary historian, essayist, critic and translator of German literature.


Gabriela Matuszek-Stec is Professor of Polish Studies at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow and deals with the literature of the 19th and 20th centuries - primarily Stanisław Przybyszewski , naturalistic drama and modern prose, German-Polish literary associations and literary translation. From 1983 to 1987 she gave lectures on Polish literature at the Humboldt University in Berlin , where she was visiting professor (2004 and 2006), as well as in Jena , Cologne , Leipzig , Vienna , Grenoble and Prague .

She was a scholarship holder of various scientific and literary foundations, u. a. the German Schiller Society in Marbach am Neckar (1995, 1996), the Literature Academy in Ranis (2002), the International Writers and Translators Center of Rhodes (2002), the Baltic Center for Writers and Translators, Gotland (2003). Since 1992 she has been a member of the Societas Jablonoviana in Leipzig .

She is the founder and director of the first “Polish Literature Institute” (the Literacko-Artystyczne Studies at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow). From 2005 to 2008 she was Vice-President, then until 2014 President of the Kraków Branch of the Polish Writers' Union, since 2014 a member of the Board of Directors. Gabriela Matuszek-Stec has been editor of the Seria Studium Literacko-Artystycznego UJ and the Kraków Library of the Polish Writers' Union since 2007 (since 2009). Gabriela Matuszek was a participant in the German-Polish poetry festival wortlust in Lublin.


  • Medal of the National Science Commission (Medal Komisji Edukacji Narodowej), 2002
  • Prize from the Polish Ministry of Science for her book Stanisław Przybyszewski - a modern writer. Essays and prose - attempt at a monograph , 2009
  • Gloria Artis Medal for Cultural Merit, 2015



  • "The brilliant Pole"? Niemcy o Stanisławie Przybyszewskim (1892–1992) . Universitas, Kraków 1993, ISBN 83-7052-114-2 ; wyd. II rozszerzone, Kraków 1996, ISBN 83-7052-317-X .
    • German translation by Dietrich Scholze: “The ingenious Pole”? Stanisław Przybyszewski in Germany. Igel Verlag, Paderborn 1996, ISBN 3-89621-014-9 .
  • Naturalistyczne dramaty / Naturalistic dramas . Universitas, Kraków 2001 ( ISBN 83-7052-640-3 ), II wyd. Kraków 2008, ISBN 97883-242-0859-3 .
  • Stanisław Przybyszewski - pisarz nowoczesny. Eseje i proza ​​- próba monografii . Universitas, Kraków 2008, ISBN 978-83-242-0930-9 .
    • German translation by Dietmar Gass: Crises and Neuroses - Stanisław Przybyszewski's work in literary modernism . Igel Verlag, Hamburg 2013, ISBN 978-3-86815-567-9 .
  • Maski i demony wczesnego modernizmu , Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków 2014, ISBN 978-83-233-3769-0 .

Editorial work - a selection

  • Stanisław Przybyszewski: Dzieci szatana , Oficyna Literacka, Kraków 1993 (oprac.), ISBN 83-85158-79-0 .
  • About Stanisław Przybyszewski. Reviews - Memories - Portraits - Studies. Reception documents from 100 years , Igel Verlag, Paderborn 1995 ISBN 3-89621-013-0 .
  • with German Ritz: Recepcja literacka i proces literacki. Literary reception and literary process. (O polsko-niemieckich związkach literackich w okresie modernizmu i dwudziestolecia międzywojennego) , Kraków 1999, ISBN 83-7052-846-5 .
  • Lektury polonistyczne. Od realizmu do preekspresjonizmu , Universitas, Kraków 2001, ISBN 83-7052-606-3 .
  • Stanisław Przybyszewski: Poematy prozą , Wydawnictwo Literackie, Kraków 2003, ISBN 83-08-03548-5 .
  • Literatura wobec nowej rzeczywistości , Księgarnia Akademicka, Kraków 2005, ISBN 83-7188-815-5 .
  • Po (st) mosty. Polacy i Niemcy w nowej Europie. Tom ofiarowany pamięci Henryka Bereski , Księgarnia Akademicka, Kraków 2006, ISBN 83-7188-915-1 .
  • Krynickie Jesienie Literackie. Poezje, eseje, głosy , Kraków 2007, ISBN 978-83-918287-4-8 .
  • with Brigitta Helbig-Mischewski (ed.): Ferryman limitless. Germans and Poles in Europe today. In memory of Henryk Bereska . Georg Olms Verlag, Zurich, New York 2008, ISBN 978-3-487-13639-4 .
  • Przybyszewski. Rewizje i filiacje , Księgarnia Akademicka, Kraków 2015, ISBN 978-83-7638-508-2 .
  • with Hanna Sieja-Skrzypulec: Twórcze pisanie w teorii i practice , Księgarnia Akademicka, Kraków 2015, ISBN 978-83-7638-590-7 .

Translations of German literature - selection

Individual evidence

  1. married: Matuszek-Stec
  2. ^ Poetry Festival "Wortlust" Lublin 1997
  3. Award of the Gloria Artis Merit Medal to Gabriela Matuszek-Stec 2015
  4. Translation of a song text by Dieter Kalka

Web links