Galvano Della Volpe

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Galvano Della Volpe (September 1895 in Imola ; † July 13, 1968 in Rome ) was an Italian historian of philosophy , philosopher and Marxist .


Galvano Della Volpe was born into a noble family. He studied philosophy at the University of Bologna , interrupted by military service in the First World War. In 1920, he graduated with an in Rodolfo Mondolfo submitted Laurea - dissertation from. From 1925 he taught history and philosophy in Ravenna and Bologna at the grammar school (until 1938).

From 1929 he taught history of philosophy at the University of Bologna. Della Volpe was appointed professor for the history of philosophy at the University of Messina in 1938. He retired in 1965.

Since the 1920s he was under the influence of the neo-Hegelianism of Giovanni Gentile . Della Volpe later became a harsh critic of the two most important Italian philosophers of his time, the fascist Gentile and the idealistic Hegelian and anti-fascist Benedetto Croce . Towards the end of the Second World War he turned to Marxism (1944). After the American liberation of Sicily, he joined the PCI .

Della Volpe's Marxism was strictly anti-idealist and anti-Hegelian. He advocated a separation between political engagement and philosophical discussion. As one of the first Marxists he dealt with Ferdinand de Saussure and the Copenhagen glossematics .


Della Volpe's main interest was the development of Marxian thought and the relationship between Marx and Hegel .

Like Louis Althusser , della Volpe assumed a radical “break” within Marx's development of thought, which he dated to the year 1843, when Marx's critique of Hegel's constitutional law emerged . His best-known work is logic as positive science ( Logica come scienza positiva , 1950), which focuses on clarifying the relationship between Marx and Hegel. Della Volpe is of the opinion here that Marx's method differs essentially from Hegel's and that there is no genetic relationship between the two. While Hegel's method is mystifying and goes from the abstract to the concrete, Marx's method turns out to be "a circular movement from the concrete to the abstract and from this back to the concrete".

Della Volpe also designed her own version of a Marxist aesthetic ( Critica del gusto , 1960). Above all, he turned against Croce's prevailing view of the opposition of the aesthetic as the intuitive to science as the rational. Rather, art is "(concrete) reason [..], as is history or science". It differs from these "not in its cognitive, gnoseological, general elements".

Reception and effect

Della Volpe played a decisive role in the renewed interest in post-war Italy in an intensive examination of Marx's theory and Marx's original texts. In the 1950s and 1960s, della Volpe's influence on school education crystallized more and more. The "Della Volpe School" was created, which systematically dealt with Marx's theory. Their best-known representatives were Lucio Colletti and Umberto Cerroni. Other students of della Volpe are Ignazio Ambrogio, Alessandro Mazzone, Nicolao Merker, Rocco Musolino, Giulio Pietranera, Mario Rossi and Giuseppe Vacca.


  • Hegel romantico e mistico (1929)
  • Il misticismo speculativo di Maestro Eckhart nei suoi rapporti storici (1930)
  • La filosofia dell'esperienza di D. Hume , 2 vols. (1933–1935)
  • Crisi dell'estetica romantica (1941)
  • Critica dei principii logici (1942)
  • La libertà comunista. Saggio di una critica della ragion “pura” pratica (1946)
  • Per la teoria di un umanesimo positivo. Studi e documenti sulla dialettica materialistica (1949)
  • Logica come scienza positiva (1950, 2nd edition 1956, posthumously 1969 as Logica come sciencza storica ).
  • Eckhart, o Della filosofia mystica (1952) (on Google books)
  • Poetica del Cinquecento (1956)
  • Rousseau e Marx ed altri saggi di critica materialistica (1957, 4th ed. 1971). German Translation: Rousseau and Marx . Darmstadt, Neuwied: Luchterhand (= Philosophical Texts , 1), 1975
  • Critica del gusto (1960). German Translation: Critique of Taste . Darmstadt, Neuwied: Luchterhand (= Philosophical Texts , 7), 1978 (English translation at Google books)
  • Umanesimo positivo e emancipazione marxista (1964).
  • Critica dell'ideologia contemporanea (1967).
  • The key to historical dialectics , in: Karel Kosik , Jean-Paul Sartre , Cesare Luporini , Roger Garaudy , Galvano della Volpe, Mihailo Markovíc, Adam Schaff , Moral und Gesellschaft , Suhrkamp (= edition suhrkamp, ​​290), Frankfurt a. M., 1968, pp. 82-105. Nicolao Merker (translator) [= Morale e società , Editori Riuniti, Rome, 1966].
  • For a materialistic methodology , Nicolao Merker (introduction, transl.), Henning Ritter (transl.), Berlin, Merve-Verlag (= International Marxist Discussion , 143), 1973. Essays on Marx's early writings, Horkheimer-Adorno and Marcuse.


  • John Frazer, An Introduction to the Thought of Galvano Della Volpe , Lawrence & Wishart, London 1977.
  • Martin Jay , Marxism and Totality ( Chapter Fourteen, Scientific Marxism in Postwar Italy: Galvano della Volpe and Lucio Colletti ), University of California Press, 1986 (at Google books), pp. 423-461.
  • Mechthild Leutner: Della-Volpe-Schule (pdf), in: Historical-Critical Dictionary of Marxism , Vol. 2, Argument-Verlag, Hamburg 1995, Sp. 522-527.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Nicola Vulpe, della Volpe, Galvano , in: Encyclopedia of Contemporary Literary Theory, Approaches, Scolars, Terms Irena Rima Makarek (general editor, compiler), University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1993, pp. 291-293 (at Google books ).
  2. Cf. Ruedi Graf: Della-Volpe-Schule , in: HKWM Vol. 2, Sp. 522-527.
  3. Logica come scienza positiva , p. 189. Quoted from: Predrag Vranicki : Geschichte des Marxismus , Vol. 2, p. 953.
  4. Critica della gusto , p. 6. Quoted from: Predrag Vranicki: Geschichte des Marxismus , Vol. 2, p. 954.
  5. By Lucio Colletti (born 1924 in Rome), among others, have appeared in Germany: On Lenin's “State and Revolution”, today , Merve (IMD 2), Berlin, 1970 (with Lucio Magri and others); LC: On the Stalin Question , Merve (IMD 7), Berlin, 1970; LC: Bernstein and the Marxism of the Second International , European Publishing House, Frankfurt, 1971; LC: Marxism as Sociology , Merve (IMD 31), Berlin, 1973. 2 essays, 1 interview [the essays from: LC, Ideologia e società , Bari, 1969]; LC: Hegel and Marxism , Ullstein, Berlin 1976 [ Il marxismo e Hegel , as an introduction to Lenin, Quaderni filosofici , Milano 1958]; LC: Marxism and Dialektik , Ullstein, Berlin, 1977.
    By Umberto Cerroni: Marx and modern law . Fischer paperback, Frankfurt a. M., 1974 [ Marx e il diritto moderno , Editori Riuniti, Rome, 1962]
  6. See John Frazer, An Introduction to the Thought of Galvano Della Volpe , p. 14 ff.