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Gavdopoula (Γαυδοπούλα)
Waters Mediterranean Sea
Geographical location 34 ° 56 '  N , 24 ° 0'  E Coordinates: 34 ° 56 '  N , 24 ° 0'  E
Gavdopoula (Crete)
length 3 km
width 700 m
surface 1.775 km²dep1
Highest elevation 113  m
Residents uninhabited

Gavdopoula ( Greek Γαυδοπούλα ( f. Sg. ), "Gavdos' little daughter" ) is a small, now uninhabited Greek island south of Crete .


Gavdopoula is located about 30 kilometers south of the Cretan port of Chora Sfakion in the Libyan Sea and about 7.5 kilometers northwest of Gavdos . Gavdopoula is 3 kilometers long, up to one kilometer wide and has an area of ​​almost 1.8 km². The rather flat island reaches a height of 113 meters.


Gavdopoula is not of great historical or tourist importance. At the southern end remains of a Minoan settlement were found. The island is used as a grazing area for sheep and goats.

In 1998, however, the small island came into the public eye when a plan became public to expand the island into a gigantic container transshipment point (by far the largest in Europe). For this purpose, the entire island should be removed and leveled up to a height of about 5 meters. The stones and earth that were removed were to be used to build protective dams in front of the port. These construction measures would have completely destroyed not only the island but also the surrounding shallow water areas. The island of Gavdos was also to be built with workers' settlements and would have lost its current appearance. The implementation of the plan was prevented, among other things, by the protests of numerous conservationists. There are now plans to build the container port instead on the coast of the Messara plain near Tymbaki on the south coast of Crete.

Flora, vegetation and nature conservation

The island consists of limestone from the Pindus-Ethia zone . 186 vascular plants and 13 mosses are known from Gavdopoula . The geographical location of Gavdopoula on the edge of Europe and in the vicinity of North Africa defines the floristic character of the island. One plant species, Atriplex mollis, is found only on Gavdopoula in Europe, but is widespread in North Africa. Other species found on the island with a main distribution in North Africa are Allium longanum , Asparagus horridus , Castellia tuberculosa , Chlamydophora tridentata , Erodium neuradifolium , Frankenia corymbosa and Periploca angustifolia . Of the endemic plants of Crete, Bellevalia brevipedicellata , Crepis cretica , Crepis tybakiensis , Muscari spreitzenhoferi , Ononis verae and Teucrium alpestre occur on Gavdopoula. The moss Entosthodon commutatus was newly found on Gavdopoula 1500 km away from its previously known range in Algeria, Morocco, on the Iberian Peninsula and on the Atlantic Islands.

The island's vegetation is not very diverse. In the benthos , seagrass meadows with Posidonia oceanica surround the island. The coasts of Gavdopoula are populated by rocky coast vegetation , halo-nitrophytic bushes with atriplex mollis . Inland, a mosaic of Pistacia lentiscus bushes, two Phrygana types depending on the geological background and seasonal willows with winter annuals on terra rossa cover the slopes.

Yellow-billed shearwaters and Mediterranean gulls breed on Gavdopoula. The surrounding waters provide a habitat for some endangered species such as the monk seal ( Monachus monachus ).

Gavdopoula is part of the " Natura 2000 " area GR 4340013, Gavdos and Gavdopoula (Νήσοι Γαύδος και Γαυδοπούλα) and also classified as an Important Bird Area .

Web links

Commons : Gavdopoula  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Charles Arnold (ed.): The islands of the Mediterranean. A unique and complete overview . 2nd Edition. marebuchverlag, Hamburg 2008, ISBN 978-3-86648-096-4 .
  2. a b c d e Erwin Bergmeier, Thomas Blockeel, Niels Böhling, Christina Fournaraki, Panagiota Gotsiou, Ralf Jahn, Richard Lansdown, Nicholas Turland: An inventory of the vascular plants and bryophytes of Gavdopoula island (S Aegean, Greece) and its phytogeographical significance. In: Willdenowia. Volume 41, No. 1, 2011, pp. 179-190, DOI: 10.3372 / wi.41.41121 .
  3. Natura 2000 data set GR4340013, English
  4. Important Bird Area site list: GR 181  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (English)@1@ 2Template: Dead Link /