August Geislhöringer

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August Geislhöringer (born August 22, 1886 in Munich , † June 18, 1963 in Augsburg ) was a German lawyer and politician of the Bavarian Party . From 1954 to 1957 he was Minister of the Interior of the Free State of Bavaria .

Professional background

August Geislhöringer passed his Abitur in 1905 at the Theresien-Gymnasium in Munich . He then began studying law and economics at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich . He completed this in 1909 with the first and in 1912 the second state examination. In 1914 he was at the Law Faculty with the thesis Enforcement under § 888 ZPO to Dr. jur. PhD. In 1905 he became a member of the Danubia Munich fraternity and stayed with them as an old man after his studies.

Until 1915 Geislhöringer was employed as a government attorney in the Bavarian State Finance Administration. He then settled in Nuremberg as a lawyer . On January 1, 1924, he worked as a legal advisor at Lechwerke in Augsburg , where he worked until 1952 until his retirement.


Geislhöringer belonged to the Bavarian state parliament from 1950 to 1958 and was deputy state chairman of the Bavarian party from 1952 to 1954. From December 14, 1954 to October 8, 1957, he was Bavarian Minister of the Interior in Wilhelm Hoegner's coalition of four .

Grave of August Geislhöringer in the Catholic cemetery on Hermanstrasse

He was involved in the Bavarian casino affair and was sentenced in 1960 for perjury by the Munich District Court I to a nine-month suspended sentence, which the Federal Court of Justice later overturned.


  • Helge Dvorak: Biographical Lexicon of the German Burschenschaft. Volume I: Politicians. Sub-Volume 2: F-H. Winter, Heidelberg 1999, ISBN 3-8253-0809-X , pp. 111-112.

Web links

Commons : August Geislhöringer  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Konstanze Wolf: CSU and Bavaria party. A special competitive relationship, 1948–1960 . Verlag Wissenschaft u. Politics Nottbeck, Cologne 1984, ISBN 3-8046-8606-0 , p. 224.