Gelsenkirchen old town

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Coat of arms of Gelsenkirchen
Old town
district of Gelsenkirchen
Map Gelsenkirchen Altstadt.png
Coordinates 51 ° 30 '30 "  N , 7 ° 5' 52"  E Coordinates: 51 ° 30 '30 "  N , 7 ° 5' 52"  E.
height 44  m above sea level NN
surface 1.574 km²
Residents 8793 (Dec 31, 2009)
Population density 5586 inhabitants / km²
Post Code 45879
prefix 0209
Borough center

Old town, Bismarck , Bulmke-Hüllen , Feldmark, Heßler , Schalke , Schalke-Nord

District Head Preuss, Detlev ( SPD )
Source: Gelsenkirchen statistical office

Gelsenkirchen-Altstadt is mainly the city ​​center of Gelsenkirchen in North Rhine-Westphalia , which is located north of the Cologne-Mindener railway line and forms the southern focus of the city in the Ruhr area . However , there is hardly a (historical) old town anymore. The northern center of Gelsenkirchen, on the other hand, is the district of Buer as the core of the former city of Buer , which was an independent urban district until 1928.

The old town has an area of ​​1.574 km².

The Protestant old town church is named after the district, as it otherwise has no other name. Nearby is the Provost Church of St. Augustine , the main Catholic church in Gelsenkirchen.


As of December 31, 2019, 10,158 people lived in Gelsenkirchen's old town.

  • Share of the female population: 49.4% (Gelsenkirchen average: 50.4%)
  • Share of the male population: 50.6% (Gelsenkirchen average: 49.6%)
  • Proportion of foreigners: 37.5% (Gelsenkirchen average: 21.7%)

Individual evidence

  1. Population structure in Gelsenkirchen as of December 31, 2019 - data source: City of Gelsenkirchen -
  2. Population structure in Gelsenkirchen as of December 31, 2019 - data source: City of Gelsenkirchen -
  3. Population structure in Gelsenkirchen as of December 31, 2019 - data source: City of Gelsenkirchen -
  4. ↑ Share of foreigners in Gelsenkirchen as of December 31, 2019 - Data source: City of Gelsenkirchen -